in #life6 years ago (edited)

  Fishermen get up very early and their work day is not standardized. We drink morning coffee when the stars are still burning in the sky and we raise the first net when the sun is about to appear over Cape Pitsunda.

  Sometimes, on a cold morning, hands get cold. In a strong current, when the nets are stretched to the limit, the work becomes very tough, but the captain's strict voice wakes us up: "Pull, or stay hungry!" It is more often expressed in stronger words and we understand that there are no other options. Gritting my teeth, with frozen hands I pull the net shoulder to shoulder with retired Dido. I wonder where in the old man so much power! But Didu never complained, only jokes constantly.

  Old boats - the pride of the captain, I must say, have not the most reliable engines. With them there are always some troubles. The engines are noisy so that you can not hear the neighbor, especially the tractor diesel at Rassvet. The exhaust as if specially made next to the helmsman and not into the water but into the air, that is, in fact, constantly have to breathe exhaust fumes. On the surface of the water are multi-colored fuel stains and soot. But fishermen on the Black Sea are not so rich to buy imported diesel.

  Fishermen work practically in any weather and, of course, also experience sea sickness. But stronger than the waves, a vomiting attack causes the smell of rotten fish. This "Shpartos" - stuck in the net fish, such as anchovy. Clear the net of Shpartos completely is not possible and after a while the fish will go out and this smell can disable anyone.

  Happen in the work of injury. Not too serious to mention and with the work in the mine can not be compared. I often got on my fingers, and Didu lost a whole nail.

  Once the rope wound around the propeller. It happened in December: the water is cold, it drizzles and an unpleasant wind blows. In addition, the fish caught a little and the mood of all was bad. The captain quickly found the last one and swore very badly. Didu did not stand aside and cried to the conscience of the captain, why he uses such obscene language to the guilty person. The captain is our respectable Christian who attends church on Sundays and Didu pressed on the holy. "Is not it a sin to swear like this? Would give a better pendal, but why insult a man? "- said Didu, but the captain seems not to understand the words. Then Didu went on to the fact that the god who prays to our captain is a chmoshnik, if he admits bad deeds on earth, wars, hunger and the death of babies. But the captain forbade his authority to talk about God like that, and if Didu does not agree, then let the retired atheist stay at home and not blight the Orthodox eyes. Didu left and with him the jokes and kosorilovka which saved so in cold weather.

  Translate by google. Original russian text

Part1 Fishing season (putina)
Part2 Black Sea delicacies
Part3 Fishing Work
Part4 About fish

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