Relationship as my purpose

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The purpose is relationship. All growth is a waste if it is not put into action: interaction.

Others determine the efficacy of my understanding. Without them, I have no context, no bearing: "Growth" relative to what - if not those around me?

My relation to others is the contrast; contrast enables vision. These people, all of them, are the light and the shadow that give shape to my life. Without them, there is nothing, there is no reason.

They give substance to solitude; being alone is only valuable because I am not always alone.

Art is communication, the transference of thought to another's senses. Art requires two parties, less is insanity.

Every written word is meant to be read, this is relationship.

The distinction between love and fear, the value of this understanding is the impact it has on those around me - they are the measure of my humanity.

Put yourself before others only to the extent that it will enable you to contribute more effectively. We only sleep to become more awake - all of life is this flux between the expulsion and rallying of one's energy. Pay attention to how often your eyes are closed: self development - and how often they are open: relationship.

We are still slaves. Stop reading. We read for instruction, we believe that we need it. We believe that we need it so that we can instruct others.

We will be led until we stop believing that we ought to follow.

We have been taught that we are helpless. Help does not come from authority, authority breeds dependence and requires force. Help comes from relationship; mutual contribution and voluntary cooperation. Relationship is love.

We are still slaves. The owners of this boat won't take us home, we must learn how to swim.

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