in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today I will cover Pillar 4 - 6 from the book.

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If you wanna read about my thoughts on Pillar 1 - 3, it's available here!

Let's continue.


Of all the pillars, this pillar shook me the most!!

I think it's Charles R. Swindoll who wrote, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."

As much as I detest this quote, THAT'S GOSPEL!
Quite often, I complaint about how I was the victim and I was placed in very unfortunate situations or being treated unfairly, but in reality, AREN'T WE ALL?

Why did the company do that to me? Why didn't anyone tell me about this opportunity?

We are all bombarded with all kinds of adversary, some even worst (what about the life of Abraham Lincoln or Oprah?), but it is those who decided to take responsibility for their own lives that rise to the top.
The fact we are born in a third-world country, there is already a disadvantage, DEAL WITH IT and continue to carry an ABUNDANCE mindset!

If we can put this pillar of mindset in place, we can definitely get out of the situation faster and easier than whining, pointing fingers and blaming God.
If we could learn to own up our side of the problem and willing to admit that we too may have contributed to the problems we faced in life, how would life be for us now?

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For more questions, READ the title of PILLAR 4 again!!


When it comes this, I believe there are many authors out there who are also promoting to us on mindset of ABUNDANCE! Becker's chapter can easily join with the Greats like Abundance by Peter Diamandis, or The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz or even Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, as they are well-known for helping readers to have abundance mindset.

This concept is not something new, it's very ancient but it is still as important as before.

We know we have scarcity mindset: when all that we see is lack; when we feel that we have very limited opportunities and resources; when we feel that the best days are behind us, when we feel life is so unfair and we can't do anything about it.

And this in turn will limit us for experiencing good opportunities and great possibilities. Scarcity mindset is not a good place to be in.
It's time to move on!

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He wrote, “ABUNDANCE IS PROGRESS, SCARCITY IS LACK OF PROGRESS... Business can be a minefield at times, but if you never try to cross the minefield because you’re too afraid of what might happen, then you never even give yourself a chance to get to the other side.
Traffic fighters focus on hoarding every penny that they make so they can spend it later. Smart entrepreneurs focus on spending every dollar they need to so that they can make ten dollars off of each dollar in the future.
There is unlimited money in the world, and you can take unlimited actions to get it. The only thing that stops these actions is scarcity. You can combat this by adopting the fifth pillar into your life immediately.”

Excerpt From: Alex Becker. “The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People.” iBooks.

You may be asking, what is a traffic fighter that Becker mentioned in the book? Go read the book!! :)


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if only, I knew that Google would blow up this big...
if only, I decided to invest in bitcoin 10 years ago...
if only, I had bought domain name 15 years ago...
if only, I had save up more in USDs...

All these "IF ONLYs" or "WHAT IF", are detrimental to our progress in moving forward... we spend so much time focusing on what we could become if we had made a different decision in the past, but this way of thinking will be time-wasting and WORST, it prevents us from seeing the "WHAT IS" in front of us.

We only have NOW... so we need to learn to do ourselves a favor and focus on NOW. WHAT IS IN FRONT OF US, WHAT IS THE OPPORTUNITIES WE CAN TAKE NOW. Yesterday's gone, deal with it, and focus on WHAT IS here and NOW!

Click here for Part 3.

Do buy the book, I would recommend getting the audiobook version, you can read it with your ears. Click here to buy it


Pillar 4 and 6 really hit me hard.. have always been too focused on the "What IF", leading to complaining about how my situation in life is not fair. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait for part 3! :)

Yea. I was hit by it to while reading it. thanks!!

WOW. loving this !!! :D it is really our response that determine the outcomes in life. Thanks for sharing !!! It's what I needed to hear.

The infographics are very helpful! What a life changing book! :)

I loved the infographics! it was like they were made for the book/this post

Woah what a solid post!!!
Especially focus on what is and forget what if
Hits me really hard.

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