Should Companies and Other Organizations Force Diversity?

in #life7 years ago

There is a real popular trend these days concerning companies and the idea of forced diversity. The idea is basically to hire as much different people as possible and that it will make the company better and more prosperous from the inclusion of more perspectives. Companies have even put into play practices that basically prohibit them from hiring too much of a certain kind of person and appointed so called “heads of diversity”. Diversity in a natural sense is all well and good, but diversity for the sake of diversity might have lasting problems.

We have seen this for the last twenty years in different forms, we even see it in the crypto space all the time as well. People yelling that “we need more women in tech! Or praising women because they have gotten to a level that a man has in a certain field.” Regarding the more women in tech statement, certain genders tend to gravitate towards certain jobs many times because of our nature and no one is stopping women from entering tech. The fact is many technical savvy computer people became that way because they stayed home on weekends in high school and werent the most popular people. Solving the problem of more women in tech is as difficult as getting the nerdy computer kids laid.

The second half of the statement about praising women because they have gotten to the same level as a man is not only pretty demeaning, but if I was a women I would take offense to it. If you have someone saying “here look at this woman, she was able to become CEO”, don't you think that is a little patronizing in the sense that people expect that women cant function at the same level as men ? The whole forced diversity base argument is often just a waste of time. However there are actual consequences of forced diversity.

Richard Thaler, another professor from the University of Chicago school of business just won the nobel price for economics which makes the university staff one of the most Nobel laureate decorated out of any school. People asked why they think this is and basically the school said its because they dont buy into any of the hiring practices many companies are using. They hire solely on ability, no matter if you are a man, women, white, black , or a frog with a top hat. This is the underlying problem that hurt the theory of forced diversity, it isnt a meritocracy, which hurts in the long run.

Passing on someone who is better qualified because they are an Asian male, in favor of a Latin female isnt how companies should operate. They should take the most qualified people, period. I want to live in a country where it shouldnt matter what color you are, or what gender you are, I want to live in a place where the best applicant gets the job. It seems more and more these days that people want to push the opposite and those who speak out against it get fired. I dont know where I see this going, but in my opinion, outlooks dont look great.


They should take the most qualified people, period.

With diversity hiring quotas, this is illegal. It's unbelievable, really.

It's just one small example of the extremes of political correctness, in my mind.

Thank you for this article. This is so true. It's also not good for the members of minorities, because everybody will asume they got the job not because of their qualification but because they are part of a minority.
But I'm afraid, I also have to agree with your last sentence: "I dont know where I see this going, but in my opinion, outlooks dont look great."

I guess those pushing forced diversity, when it fails and they are affected, they will have no one to blame.

Agreed. Most likely though it wont fail in a spectacular way, the companies will just end up less profitable and lose out on a small scale.

I like your idea. let it be all about skills not all about what they are and who they are. I am getting tired of companies looking for a specific individual only.

Dear friend, your post always good and helpful. I like your post. I always follow you. Thanks:)

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