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RE: Immigration Into America Has Made It The World Power It Is Today

in #life8 years ago

Yes like I talked about with German scientists and the Indian brain drain, they are taking high skilled white collar jobs, but we as a nation benefit from taking the smartest people in the world and having them take those jobs. We live in an international world today and isolating ourselves from it would only create less economic well being for everyone. The real problem with unemployment is NOT immigrants, its a generation of baby boomers who are now working until they cant work anymore because 2008 destroyed their savings and social security is a joke. If we want corporations to stay in America at all, we need to allow them to bring in the most competitive people in the world at lower costs, because if not they wont stay and we will lose out on their tax revenue. We are increasingly moving towards a more international and integrated labor market, this is unavoidable and it going to continue to move that way in the future, so if you are looking for a job you have to be competitive and have something that your competition does not. The days of graduating and finding a cushy job you can sit on for the rest of your life are over.

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