Porn and Masturbation Healthy Or Addiction?

in #life8 years ago

I wrote a pretty long post (10 pages) on this topic, so I will break it into 2 parts and release the second one tomorrow.

It is no surprise that in today’s age of anything that you desire, being one click away, minors are using the their laptops as tools to explore their own sexuality. Whether it is watching women on free cam sites, talking dirty in chat rooms, or visiting run of the mill pornographic video sites, youth males are exploring as much as they can with the tools they have been given. However, in an era where it’s actually easier to visit a pornographic site, than actually talk to a real woman in the flesh, men are overconsuming pornographic media past a point that is healthy and is moving into the territory of addiction. In this paper I will first talk about the benefits to pornography consumed in adequate doses, then I will go on to explore the recent addiction that has becoming more and more prevalent among youth males today.

Exploring your sexuality is a healthy part of life for every human being, but is a moment that must also be treated with care, as teenagers at a young age still might make decisions that hurt them in the long run. Letting a teen explore their sexuality within borders can help develop healthy sexual relations for life, despite many people taking moral issues with the genre.

Pornography for the longest time and still today, has been attacked and blamed for many of the rape and sexual assault crimes we have today, but no good evidence has actually ever been presented to prove that pornography in moderation yields negative results. In fact, a paper which studied the effects of pornography, published in 2009 in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, showed that not only did no such correlation between sexual crimes and the use of pornography exist, but it showed in author Milton Diamond’s words, “if anything, there is an inverse causal relationship between an increase in pornography and sex crimes.

Despite many crusades against the use of porn and masturbation, in moderation, there are undeniable health benefits. According to sex researcher Rosemary Basson, the release of endorphins while watching pornographic media and ejaculate acts as a type of anti stress and anti depressant in certain situations, relaxes the body and many times helps a deep and more beneficial sleep take place. In addition for males, it lowers the risk for prostate cancer and can even help raise self esteem and the view you have of your own body. Even those in committed relationships can still benefit from masturbation in their everyday lives and the use of porn is only used as an aid for masturbation, with no emotional connection involved. The use of porn in the act of masturbation is primal and in most cases less of human relationship and more akin to a tool, like using a hammer to put in a nail.

So if masturbation is healthy, the real question is, can there ever be such a thing as too much masturbation? The short answer is yes and the reason is not physical, such as chaffed foreskin, but rather emotional and behavioral in the long term. Like anything else, in moderation masturbation is fine, but when it becomes compulsory and you feel as if you “need” to masturbate to function, it might be time to slow down or take a break completely. According to the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, too much masturbation can start to affect your social in many ways. For some, the exhaustion that is often created after masturbation leads people to stay to themselves rather than socialize which can become a cycle and lead to depression. In addition over use of masturbation can lead to the inability to ejaculate during a sexual encounter or impotence and affect other real sexual relationships you are in, which could also lead to depression. So masturbation is healthy, but too much of it definitely can become a massive problem if you aren’t paying attention.

So if masturbation and pornography are healthy in moderation, why do we see such an addiction among youth males in modern day society? We know that pre internet days you might have had to sneak your dad’s playboy from under his bed, but now for most teens, pictures might not do anything. The main problem is teens are not consuming pornography in moderation according to Lynn Margolies, PH.D, but rather are being left alone to police themselves and often fall into a trap where they need to become more and more stimulated. Changes in behavior, an obsession with technology or frequent breaks to their rooms might be a sign that your child might have an addiction to pornography.

However doctor Margolies admits that it is hard to actually diagnose a porn addiction with a teen as part of the era we are living in is completely different than those of the parents raising the children. Teens are more addicted to technology now than ever before and in general hormones make them susceptible to mood swings and other characteristics that may be associated with addiction. There are options like monitoring the traffic and websites of the computer they use, or move the computer out into an open area, but this may lead to a break of trust between parent and child. The goal is to be involved with your child and have them feel like they can talk to you about anything, even their romance life so you can get a better gauge on the situation.

Like the use of drugs, pornography quickly can ramp up to the point where higher exposure is required to feel the same amount of stimulation. According to doctor Margolies, this might take the form of teens exposing themselves to harder or hardcore pornography that they might not have ever would have went to before. Because they require more stimulation due to an increase in stimulation, which is a common side effect of too much masturbation, they might also start to take part in practices that are illegal. For example searching out partners for “cyber sex” while still underage, or stealing credit cards to purchase pornographic camera sessions. Not only does this put your teen at risk for online solicitation by online sexual predators who might claim to be someone other than they are, but it puts them into an emotional spiral of needing to get another fix. Especially in online chat rooms which are filled with horny teenagers looking for potential cyber sexual partners, teens can become easy victims if they are not careful. The best form of prevention is education in these cases, and even if your teen is not participating in internet pornographic usage, it is still wise to teach them about the potential dangers it can have.


This is so true and so sad. All the young guys will have issues with sex and won't be able to get it up with a real woman. Im not sure this can be stopped either, its just a problem for the next generation.

Hey who cares when we can just go to the doctor and have them push us Viagra and Cialis at inflated prices an the economy keeps turning /s . I agree with you though, I think we will need to wait for more studies to be done and most of all let the young ones consuming porn now, grow up. Once they are grown we will be able to see the full effects.

yeah but then its too late.... my friend told me she got with a young guy 18...and he asked to turn porn on first night cos he couldnt get it up.. now thats sad life

It should help some with the over population problem. Just pointing out the ONLY silver lining I can think of.

hahah true! men will have sex with plastic dolls :D

A new study overturns some longstanding perceptions about the effect of pornography on relationships. Article

The topic is heavily debated because unfortunately people's moral compass comes into play with this type of topic. I completely agree with those findings though, in the article I wrote how couples use it to stimulate their love life, the problem really comes when porn is overconsumed by individuals. In the other half of the article that im releasing today, I talk more about the effect some studies saw on young males who use porn as a tool to learn about relationships, which is a terrible idea.

Interesting topic . Can't wait to read more . It seems to be a narcists disease due to insecurities ?! The addiction to please yourself like eating too much chocolate

It seems to be a narcists disease due to insecurities ?!

Maybe in some cases, but I think in many cases it is just an addiction to pleasure. Most obese food addicts started to eat because it gave them pleasure and made things better, in the same way, addicts of masturbation and porn seek that pleasure as well.

I totally agree but I wonder where does the overly exagarated urge come from ? How much pleasure one can take ?? Haha ! Oh well I can eat a lot of sweets

Good post. Thanks for sharing.

I grew up on Playboy and Mayfair, then Hustler and so on until the internet opened up the floodgates on porn.

Once conscientiousness kicked in though, my relationship with porn evolved into a love hate relationship with the sensual visuals vs. the sordid industry and testosterone pumped boner muppets banging away on those poor girls!!!

Eventually I probed deep into what it was that kept me coming back for more and recognised the underlying cause of my erstwhile addiction was the misplaced desire for nurture and intimacy. As an introspective Shiatsu practitioner, I actually felt the visceral pathways that connected the two, from eyes to boobs to balls sort of thing!

Supporting that industry is additionally a dubious responsibility of course, and so one must take matters into ones own hand! I particularly remember as a young teenager having an imaginative capacity to create fantasy scenarios that would get me off, and that capacity was completely lost by staring at pages and screens for decades - that's another pitfall. Addiction is an excess of any damned vice or pleasure right and has its concomitant downsides. Balance is key!!!

Thanks for the great post

Hello, she loves sexy girls @mrnobody

According to Ralph Smart (a popular youtube vlogger) when you masturbate , you lose 7 glasses of water from your body, which means that you gonna instantly dehydrate your body. If you do it twice a day, you have to drink a lot of water .

Dehydration symptoms:
-dizziness or light-headedness
-dry mouth, lips and eyes
-passing small amounts of urine infrequently (less than three or four times a day)

Here you can watch an amazing video related to your topic :

Well, I'm old and from the generation that had to masturbate from memory because we didn't have porno to look at. I don't believe that there's a connection between porno and violent crime. If anything, it desensitizes people and causes detachment. That is tragic. Sex is supposed to be an interaction between two people that occurs on a mental as well as physical level. I always looked at masturbation (from memory) as practice...and in that sense, healthy. Unfortunately, porno has become a replacement for sex instead of practice and for that reason, unhealthy. Good post, upvoted & followed.

This is the bitter reality of today's era. I am glad you shared it over here. I have also done some researches on this topic since last 3 years and will soon update a blog for helping those who are interested.

Porn is a dtug

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