Unexpected Chaos

in #life6 years ago








I'm sorry for being so inactive/unresponsive to things this past week.

Things... well, shit hit the fan and one of my children is in a bit of a crisis. I unfortunately can't really talk about it publicly. It's not my story to share.

However, it is taking up a lot of my time that I wasn't expecting (and I'm fine with that, my husband and kids come first.)

I find that even when I do finally get home, I am so tired, it feels like my brains start leaking out of my ears when I try to think or focus on what ELSE I should be doing. So for right now, I'm afraid I'm just not doing a good job of giving back or even giving many thanks for the support I'm continually being shown.

I had just started on a story series that I was really excited about, but I have to admit to myself that keeping up with that in the midst of this emotional and physical chaos in my life right now is just not going to happen. It makes me sad, because I really do gain a lot from getting these stories out and I want to know what happens myself! However, stressing myself out about something that I just can not spare the energy for isn't helping anyone.

So, thank you for all of you who keep reading my posts, even though most of them are through steepshot because that's the easiest way for me to post from my phone. Thank you for the comments and again, I apologize for the lack of replies/blog visits and comments from my end. I'm really hoping that I can get back to my regular schedule next week... but I'm not going to worry about it TOO much. I trust that all of you awesome steemit peeps will keep things running smoothly while I'm flitting in and out here and there.

I really miss my own daily routine! I think part of my exhaustion is solely from being out and about and off of my own schedule so thoroughly!

In the meantime, please enjoy these photos of my life and the wonderfully people I have in it!

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don't even worry about that. Family comes always first!

Thank you. The support from my steemit family has been awesome.

The expression around our house is "Life Happened!" Hang in there!

Yep, yep. Thank you!

howdy there Byn..so sorry to hear about problems but you gotta know that everyone here wishes you and yours nothing but the best and want you to take care of your family first. God bless you all!

It's good to know that so many are so supportive. I suppose it isn't a surprise that I'm putting my kids/family first. I really really appreciate your support!

howdy back again Byn! oh of course and I think everyone on here appreciates you putting them first. I bet no one on here isn't understanding about that. I hope. lol.

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