A Change of Plans... With my son at the ER

in #life6 years ago


Well I had planned to write about my youngest daughter's graduation today. Instead, I am at the ER with my 22 year old son. He's got an absessed tonsil and they kinda of freaked out at the Urgent Care place and made us come to the emergency room.

At the ER, they were worried because his heart rate was too fast and he's now covered with sticky monitor things and has an IV.

He asked me to take a photo of him so he could text his coworker and prove that he's not faking it.

Then true to his general narrow was really disappointed that he wasn't here for anything cool. He had a little bit of a rant that "this is such a lame ass reason to have to go to the emergency room!"

He finally got some pain meds:

They took him back to a CT scan of his neck and came back to tell us that he needs to be admitted over night. His tonsils are so swollen that they can't get in to drain the absess...

So, I guess this is what's happening today. I'm very fortunate in that I've only ever had one child need to be in the hospital before, and that was when my oldest daughter had to be admitted for preterm labor with her first child.

We've been pretty lucky with the health stuff... And this is actually pretty minor as long as the steroids get rid of the swelling so they can avoid surgery.

This has made me even more thankful for our health, because I know that many people have to calm with this all the time or with their young children and I just keep thinking of them. I can't imagine.

Positive thoughts welcome! We've been here 3 hours and we're waiting for a room, but thankfully they were able to give him pain meds, so he's feeling better and his heart rate is down now that the pain is less.


Ugh, I'm so sorry and hope he heals quickly. So sorry for the low vote, I guess I have to wait to vote again.

No worries! I was just on the middle of doing several things here, on discord and on @freewritehouse

I thought I'd be gone maybe an hour, but it turned into this, so I thought I'd just updated from here. I don't have discord on my phone, either.

Saying prayers for you all. hugs

Ick! And easy What a way to steal thunder from the little sister ;-) Prayers from here. 💙

(Nothing easy about it! Stupid autocorrecting keyboard.)

:) Lol... they are competitive! He was actually AT her graduation on Tuesday night, but feeling awful. I wish he'd stayed home, but anyway, it's all okay now. Thank you for the support!

I'm glad his health taking a positive turn, that is one of the thrills of family, being there for each other during the good times and the bad. sending you my best wishes and prayers. be well.

Thank you. I was so glad that I was here so I could help :) Thank you for the support!

Hospitals suck and I still have my tonsils and know how incredibly painful it can be when they are infected. Hope the meds work and that you and your son are on your way home soon.

He was able to go home today. The medicine helped him tremendously overnight. :) Thank you for the support!

Ugghhh! Nothing worse than sitting around the hospital for hours on end. But, glad that he's okay and getting the help and that you're such a lovely and caring mother. Happy Mother's day, by the way.
You could say all of this is a pain in your back for the back pain freewrite ;)

Thank you! I'm hoping to get a 5 minute freewrite out before the day is over so I can continue my daily posting streak!!! I've been posting daily for ALMOST 6 months.

Such a lame reason to be in E.R. and on antibiotics - LOL! (At least the hours of waiting room time go faster now that we have smart phones, right?) The older I get, the more boring my injuries become. Sprained and bruised from skateboarding? More like tripping over my own feet. But at least I am here, with the most boring aches and pains.
** I hope your daughter's graduation still proceeded as planned, with you in attendance!

So sorry to hear that!!! I hope he is better now and the infection is under control. I had my tonsils out when I was 12 or 14. It wasn't much fun...
Hugs to you and thank you for still doing the freewrite house stuff!!

Hope he is much better by now! Hospitals are no fun at all.

Thank you so much. He's actually back to almost normal (he gets tired a little easier than normal, but he's back to work as of yesterday and feeling great)

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