Have you noticed the change around you ? 你注意到你身边的变化了吗?

in #life7 years ago


Look at these photos , do you know what place it is ? a park ? ancient walls ? This is a morning market not far away from my house. It used to be a place that some areas are high or some areas are low. So people called this Gouli.



People usually buy some things they need in the morning market . but these days , it has changed a lot. It is designed to build the walls with four doors . there are many platforms inside and they will be used a few days later.



The sellers won’t be afraid to suffer the bad weather , because they can stayed in the big hall built here. They are becoming a beautiful market that can sell the vegetables or the fruit and everything that the people need.



Are you happy about this big change ? do you feel the big change happened around you ?our government is trying their best to give us a nice environment to live , so life will be really better and better. Are there any changes in your living place ?

Thank you for your reading and hope you will like it.

看到这个图片你们知道是哪里吗? 公园? 古城墙? 哈哈, 这里是我家下面的早市。原本这里是个高低不平的地方,有的高,有的低,人们都叫这个地方是沟里。

早上通常是大家来买菜的地方,可是这里最近确悄悄的发生着巨大的变化。 我有几天没来早市了, 结果有天早上一看,这个地方竟然变了这样,原来破烂,高低不平的地方,规划的整整齐齐,并且周围都修起了这样的围墙,四面有这样的黑漆门。往里面望去, 是一排排的桌子,供业主们卖东西的台子,据说过几天就投入使用了。

这个变化大大方便了市民,也方便了卖货的人,他们可以有固定的场所,不怕风吹雨淋了,不用冬天很冷,夏天很热的遭罪了, 因为这里面要建个篷子。最近有关破烂的地方,地方政府在想办法,不断的清理,变成市民健身的场所,或者是修成景观带。

逐渐的规划,重新布局,让大家有个更好的生活环境, 更加方便大家的生活。看来政府的领导们为了市民的美好生活, 也再做着大量的努力,我们在悄悄的享受着不断带来的令人喜悦的变化,生活真的越来越美好呀,你生活的地方是不是也在发生着巨大的变化呢?




是啊, 顿时觉得高大上了,而且觉得生活质量一下子提高了不少。


嗯,是啊, 环境变好了之后,心情就特别舒畅!

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