Don’t forget the beauty around you- DaLian Navy Square 别忘了身边的美— 大连之海军广场

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Living in Dalian is truly blissful. The city is full of sceneries. First I just want to let my friends guess which place it is , but later , I changed my idea. Don’t waste everybody’s brain cell ! Put on the nice pictures directly!

Yesterday on the way home from work, I passed the Navy square , suddenly an idea came to my mind, why don't I write my familiar Square which I passed every day and share the happiness with my friends? I love this city, it’s my second hometown.

So many beautiful sceneries, let my dear friends share it with me!


It's a bit cloudy, but I'm still interested. Let's start with a couple of features!





It is said that Dlian has the most squares in the whole country. Navy square is just one of them. It is the third one in the world after the United Kingdom and the United States named after the navy. In the background of the musical fountain, the statue of the relief wall and the statue of the Navy show the development of the Chinese navy. The map of the world in the middle of the square is a symbol of Dalian moving towards the world, and Dalian's development is in sync with that of the world.

There is a giant Chinese dream built with green plants and flowers in the Central square. Behind it is ShengQiTai, a five-star red flag fluttering in the wind. Surrounded by musical fountains and large naval relief. The square is equipped with lighting, sound system, composed of 8 remote speaker system wide range, of great momentum; 500 meters long square fountain to form 6 kinds of water under the control of the computer to the pool was waves forward with the music changes, a symbol of the people's Navy resolutely defend the sacred duty of the motherland. On both sides of the two eye-catching gold anchor and silver rudder, is the epitome of the training of the people's Navy soldiers.





I came here near the evening, not many people on the square. there are a few elderly children playing with, some children are on the roller skating, some are walking or sitting in the corner to have a rest. The square is quiet during the day, and the people passing by enjoy the beautiful surroundings with the pleasure of the mood.

Look ! How happily the grandfather and his grandson are running!


The little girl is practicing roller skating. She's really fantastic!


It should be the busiest time on the square in the evening. Many people will play, and there are large fountain performances, massive, magnificent momentum. People in the music, divided into several groups, healthy exercise, a ballroom dance, aerobics, practicing Tai Chi, even the clothes are very formal. Children play roller skating a lot, as well as playing the top , the adults stroll and chat, and the great grandfather's writing brush on the square brick write the brush word, it is really a good place for leisure and entertainment. So, don’t you think our life is really happy now? People's living standards are getting higher and higher, and the government is making greater efforts to make our living environment more beautiful.

From the bottom of my heart , I will say, “ I love Dalian and hope it will become better and better!”

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生活在大连真是感到幸福无比, 城市处处皆风景 。 本来想卖个关子, 让大家猜猜这是哪里? 后来还是想别让大家浪费脑细胞了!直接上图吧 !昨天下班回家的路上, 路过海军广成, 突然一个想法, 为什么不把我天天路过, 让我心情愉悦的海军广场分享给大家呢? 我爱我的家乡,家乡处处是美景,让我亲爱的朋友们也跟我一起分享吧!
天气有点阴天, 但是我依然兴趣不减。 先来几个特写吧!
大连据说拥有全国最多的广场 。 海军广场只是其中的一个。它是继英国、美国之后,世界上第三个以海军命名的广场。在音乐喷泉的背景下,浮雕墙和海军战士塑像展现了中国海军发展的历程,广场中央花岗岩铺砌而成的世界地图,则象征大连正在走向世界,大连的发展与世界同步。

广场的中央是巨型花雕 中国梦 ,后面是升旗台,五星红旗迎风飘扬。四周是音乐喷泉,和大型海军发展历程浮雕。广场配有各种灯具,8只远程音箱系统组成的音响系统,音域宽广,气势磅礴;500米长的广场喷泉在电脑控制下形成6种水型,随音乐变化向水池呈波涛状前进,象征人民海军坚决捍卫祖国万里海疆的神圣职责;两侧有两个格外引人瞩目的是金锚和银舵 , 是人民海军战士训练的缩影;

我来的是傍晚, 广场上人不多, 有几个老人带着孩子在玩耍,还有的小孩在轮滑,有些路过走累了,坐在一角在休息。白天广场是寂静的, 路过的人们享受着这里优美的环境,拥有的是心情的愉悦。

晚上应该是广场上最热闹的时候。 玩的市民会很多,并且有大型喷泉表演,声势浩大,气势恢宏。 人们在音乐的伴奏下,分几大组团,进行健康锻炼, 有跳交谊舞的, 有健身操的, 有练太极的,就连服装都很正规呢。 小孩子玩轮滑的也很多,还有打陀螺的,大人们溜达聊天,还有的老爷爷大毛笔在广场的方格砖上写毛笔字,真是休闲娱乐的好去处。 看到这,是不是觉得我们现在的生活真幸福呢?人们的生活水平越来越提高了, 政府也在加大力度让我们的生活环境变的更加美好,由衷的心声就是我爱大连,希望它越来越好!
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Thx for this blog @bxt
Lovely weather and it looks like a park as well .
No wonder it gets busy with ppl , seems safe and wonderful area for whoever who wants to rest or play or just have some fun

yeah, thanks your comment .

@bxt.. A well presented post with a lot of scenic views. I must say I am a little jealous of you (in a good way of course) that you get to live in a city as beautiful as it looks in the pictures you have posted. If tasty food satiates your hunger for stomach, then seeing beautiful places like this one on a day to day basis must serve as the food for the soul. And a happy and peaceful mind and soul delivers the best results, just like the this post for our reference... ☺️😊

yeah, i am also proud of my living city , very good , welcome you to come her e.

Thank you @bxt... I would love to visit at least once in the future. One more place added to my bucket list 😊😊

The squares design are excellent. It is pleasant to behold. The pictures are lovely. Good job.

thanks !

wow, look s beautiful and clean...great shots.
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ok , thanks !


one of my friends from work is from dalian, she invited me to visit her hometown. may be I really should consider visiting there. beautiful place.

yeah , welcome !

Beautiful place for travel

Very cool city :) I want see this city streets :)

welcome !

awesome place..
we also have the same place as this here in the philippines
its called luneta park..

really , maybe one day i will travel there .

Daian- do you live there or were just visiting?

live of course .

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