DIY milk avocado with apples 浓浓的牛油果奶昔

in #life6 years ago


After a whole day’s hard work , I really feel tired. after eating dinner , I found an avo an some apples , then I had an idea, why not cook some avo milk shake ? it must be nice to drink .

First I prepare the materials , a box of milk , an apple , an avocado and some honey , a juicer machine .




Cut the apple and an avocado into pieces and put them in the juicer, add milk, honey, and squeeze the juice together. Now, you can see the thick , sticky milk shake . even you can smell the sweet in the air . the juice is very nice , looks very slippery and tastes soft and nice .


Avocado is really a good thing. It is named the butter in the plant . The flesh is very oily and nutritious. It looks good for making fruit and vegetable salad and fruit milkshake. Somebody said it can even fry with the vegetables. I will have a try some day .

So enjoy every day with your friends and your families.
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跑了一天的市场,感到很累。休息过后,看看冰箱还有个牛油果,这么好吃的东西, 如果不吃那真是浪费,正好还有苹果,就做牛油果奶昔吧,我想一定好喝。

于是便把材料准备齐全, 牛奶一盒,苹果, 牛油果,蜂蜜,还有榨汁机。


牛油果真是好东西, 植物中的黄油还真是一点不假,果肉油性很大,富有营养,做成蔬菜水果沙拉,还有水果奶昔看来都是不错的选择。据说炒菜也很好, 有时间一定试试。







@bxt, 不错不错!

牛油果可老贵了 哈哈

哈哈, 的确有点儿小贵呀!

And again; looks really delicious!!;-)

yeah, thank you .

My friend how are you, get home tired and prepare something that relaxes us and help us feel better is priceless, I have seen many recipes with avocado since I am on this platform until shakes, I only ate it in salads, I learned a lot I thank you!

thank you , my dear .

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