A tenacious tree! 顽强的大树!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


Walk on the street , I suddenly noticed a tall tree . it has grown many years here , not only straight into the sky , but also suffered a lot from this big hole . It is still optimistic, and does not affect its upward growth!




I think this is a poplar, and I can only take its photo from a distance, it's about 6 stories tall. There's a long, big hole in the middle which it was burnt by a big fire, you can easily see the carbon black in the middle. From the side of the hole, you can even see some stones put by some naughty children .But as long as the tree was not broken, it will be growing straightly , proudly into the blue sky.


In life, we also often face this or that difficulty, sometimes inadvertently hit by the accident, we almost can not climb up . But if you still have a breath , try to be like the big tree ! Regardless of the harsh environment, just like there is no mud in the rock, they still can grow. Or suffered man-made disaster, just like the tree in front of us was burned into a big hole in the middle, still standing upright, and optimistic upward.



Trees have strong vitality, and as more emotional than them, the more advanced people, why not face the life bravely ? Let the suffering and pain go with the wind, because its goal is the blue sky! Live optimistically just like this big tree , that is the best attitude to life!

This article is dedicated to those who are still strong in life and face bravely through suffering the disaster!

Thanks for your reading and hope you like it !

走在秋日的街上, 突然发现这棵我身边的大树,长了几十年,不仅依然笔直冲天,而且即使身上有这么大个洞, 确依然乐观向上,丝毫没有影响它向上的生长!

我想这是一株杨树,我从远处才能拍下它的全身,大约有6层楼那么高。中间有个长形的大洞。看样子是火烧成的, 中间部有炭黑。从洞的这边,能看那边,可见当时的火势很大,几乎要烧断,可是只要有树没断,它就会顽强的生长, 长成现在这样, 依然挺拔,直指蓝天的傲然的样子。

生活中,我们也时常面对着这样或者那样的困难,有的时候不经意的意外,打击的我们几乎爬不起来,可是如果你有一口气,就学学树木的顽强吧, 不管是恶劣的环境,没有泥土的岩石,他们依然能生长。还是遭受人为的灾难, 就像眼前这棵中间被烧成一个大洞的大树, 确依然挺立,顽强乐观的向上。

树是有着顽强的生命力的, 而作为比他们更有情感的,更高级的人来说,又何尝不要勇敢的面对生活呢?让苦难和痛苦都随风而去吧, 因为我的目标是蓝天!像树一样的永远乐观的生活吧, 那才是最好的人生态度!



恭喜你!您的这篇文章入选 @justyy 今日榜单 【优秀被错过的文章】, 请继续努力!

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I like your post, and I love your spirits among the words in your article, so I UPVOTE you without any doubt. Hope I'll read more your posts.Thanks for your post, friend. Handshake!

thank you , your words encourage me to keep on , nice to meet you here !

This tree gives us all a good life lesson!

yes , a tough tree , a good lesson !

One picture says a thousand words thank you for sharing

thank you !

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