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RE: Inexpensive survival basics

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I can only say your post is quite accurate and is what a s happening in societies across the globe, an attack on freedoms and liberties and an implementation of a socialistic society.
An ideology of a government in complete control of your well being and safety.
A tyrannical world and one of which is creating civil wars everywhere.
More and more people are becoming devided and more hatred for anyone who does not believe in their ideology of a social open border world, except where the elite are given special privileges and access where the average person won’t be allowed, not just in land or food, but in knowledge.
A battle cry for sovereignty and freedom is ringing loud where you get out what you put in, a society that can be independent of the government and that takes care of each other by contributing, not one that is being implied that you get free food, free living, free health.
Here in the US, an illegal immagrant gets more than a citizen does.
A system so corrupt it supports everyone except it’s own citizens, a society doomed unless people wake up and start preparing their families to support each other and neighbors joining no together.
I just don’t see it happening.
They are using The Hegelian principle against everyone in this world and the peope don’t realize it.


Well said.

Ill be going to check out the hegelian thing for one to watch next!

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