7 things men like in women more than good looks

in #life6 years ago

Good looks are a huge benefit for a girl trying to catch a man’s attention. But it’s not enough to make him fall in love and dream about building a long and happy relationship.
While great relationships start with mutual attraction, in the long run, the relationship is destined to fail if the couple lacks compatibility. Curious to know what men truly look for when they want to enter a committed relationship? Here is a list of traits that are far more important than beauty.

  1. Confidence

A good boyfriend strives to make his Significant Other feel special, but there is nothing sexier than a woman who understands her own worth. Men might like a girl with a pretty face and nice figure, but if she is in need of constant reassurances that they are attractive or cannot accept a compliment, it will eventually wear a guy down and he will move on to a woman who is happy with who she is.

2 A Sense of Humor

A woman might be drop-dead gorgeous, but she will never win a place in a man’s heart unless she has the ability to make him laugh. A great sense of humor is the perfect way to alleviate stress and allows the couple to bond. A witty joke or an occasional sneaky, light-hearted prank will score a woman big time points with her man.

3 A listening spirit

7 things men like in women more than good looks
7 things men like in women more than good looks
Most men appreciate women who are able to just listen – no “ I told you so” lines, no lectures, tips or comments regarding what you would do if you were in his place. You know… just sitting, listening (and I mean REALLY listening)… just showing that you care.

Oh, and that involves being patient as well, understanding that most men need to “process” their problems before they can talk about them and learn to say, “Okay, baby, whenever you want to talk about it – I’m here for you”.

4 A Willingness to Accept His Flaws

7 things men like in women more than good looks
7 things men like in women more than good looks
One of the keys to a healthy relationship is understanding that your partner is not perfect.

This is why men want women who are not overly critical and who don’t seek to change them. If a woman can love him for his goofy fashion sense or his eccentric personality, they are on their way to relationship success.

5 Creativity

It goes without saying that a relationship is more rewarding if the couple involved have a free-spirit and creative mind. It always keeps things interesting and creates a sense of purpose. For example, women who surprise her man by writing him a story or painting him a picture stands a great chance of winning his heart forever.

6 A Drama-free Personality

7 things men like in women more than good looks
7 things men like in women more than good looks
Life is like a roller coaster. Some days will be good and others will be completely rotten. However, it is unnecessary for every little problem to explode into a major conflict. Women who have the right perspective and do not make mountains out of molehills will find it far easier to win their man over.

7 IMG_20180502_211954_709.JPGA Compromiser

Having disagreements is a perfectly normal part of a relationship. However, stubbornness and an “my way or the highway” only leads to misery. This is why men appreciate women who are able to negotiate and find a solution that satisfies both partners. This could be true for hobbies (i.e, the guy takes his girl to a football game in exchange for her taking him to a musical) but will especially come in handy when it comes to important matters such as raising children together.