Guest post by @crystalll; Cycle Of Life

in #life6 years ago


I'm sitting here in the dark admiring my loneliness as I gaze at the unapologetic sky glowing in its darkness. The stench of this slump sent my mind on a stroll, with a curiosity that would probably send a cat to its grave. This blazing darkness and beautifully ugly reality prompted me into wondering about a certain strange cycle. A cycle without edges, deviod of lines. A cycle whose artist's existence is widely controversial and regrettably unsolvable. This cycle is both funny and mean, beautiful and beastly, strong and weak. In it we breath in good and evil, poverty and wealth, sickness and health, love and pain, hope and hopelessness, tranquillity and noise, Justice and injustice, peace and war. It has an opposite for everything. Thus, within a splint second even our deepest joy could turn to a pain we won't heal from. Our hardest laughter can vanish so quickly that we would feel laughter is nothing but a word we see/hear in fictions. In this cycle we fight for survival, struggle to have a name, work so hard just to be known/heard. Hustle to give our tomorrow a smile, though we might never live to see it.

To this cycle we were born and in it we must die. It doesn't matter how hard we run or how well we live, we must all marry the unforgiving earth. In this cycle some are like shadows they are always there but you will never notice, because they live too quietly. Some can be liken to a talking drum, some are wise and others are foolish. Some are sane, some are grossly insane. Some exist happily, others just live sadistically. Some are depressed, some are happy, while others wear happiness as a mask to hide their pain. Some wear their emotions on their sleeves, others pretend to be as cold as vampires.


This cycle is a mystery, a puzzle that cannot be solved. A quiz without an answer. A light that bring forth darkness and a darkness that illuminates fire and consume souls. A cycle that appears meaningless yet it sends us into a frantic race, because the truth is we all do not want to be at the bottom of this cycle. This cycle shrinks the strong into weakness, and turn the weak and vulnerable into mighty beings. Hence a helpless child could because a fearless boxer, and this fearless boxer could shrink into an aged man that can't lift he own legs.... Oh, what a cycle! This cycle is deep, so deep it can bury you in thoughts. Still no matter how hard you think you can never fully unlock its mystery. No wonder its my favorite cycle.


Life is truly a work of art and the artist did a wonderful job when he drew this cycle without lines or edges. A circle that welcomes us each day with more mysteries..


Hmmmnn...even your well articulated write-up shows writing requires a great deal of artistic skill.

Nice post.

Dear friend, you do not appear to be following @wafrica. Follow @wafrica to get a valuable upvote on your quality post!

Life really is mysterious...
I totally agree, nice post anyways

We will always run and run until the day we won't be able to run again, even on the day that we shall die, we would still have some plans ahead. Live is so much funny

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