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RE: Justice Out Of Reach For The Poor

in #life6 years ago (edited)

You unfortunately have misconstrued everything i said.

I said that EVERYONE has to show up.
If the thousands of people each day that get a traffic ticket, instead of just sending in a check, showed up at court. Court couldn't handle it. The time to see a judge for a traffic ticket would be years.

This method of stopping the gears of governcement have been used from time to time and work 100%.

This has nothing to do with a single person showing up.

The poor are different from the broke.
The poor are poor in thought, poor in health, poor in planning, poor in deferring gratification...
Again, this is the group, not an individual.

Rich people who are currently broke do not act like poor people.

It is stated that like, only 10% of people read books after they leave school. One could say that you can accurately gauge how much a person is worth by how many books they have read.

Our schools do not teach law. Neither do they teach financial intelligence. And there is a nefarious reason for this.

So, if you want to say who is the least likely to know their rights, do you bet on the lower class person or the middle class person?

If you do not accept these basic premises, then we cannot have a conversation, because you are living in a fantasy world and denying facts.

Plus, you are just trying to defend a woman. As women are want to do.
You are not arguing rationally.

It is not about being poor. And painting it that way is making people blind to the problem.


I was using the definition of poor in the context of the posted article, which is 'someone who can not afford a lawyer.'
The last time that someone posted from this account, it was a man. So, no I am not defending a woman because I am a woman. It would be nice if you could argue your case without insulting people by labelling them stupid or irrational.

At what point can you afford a lawyer?

OJ Simpson is now completely broke.
Could he afford a lawyer?

Plus, you are just trying to defend a woman. As women are want to do.
You are not arguing rationally.

You have now lost all credibility.

Did you just use the argument of "woman". Now you are the one simply being irrational, if you had read the post you would have known that not having your own sound lawyer is a major setback, and who can afford these people?.
If you knew about the CPS issue more, you would have known that the rich(those who have the resource to defend themselves, financially capable) hardly get visited.
The system is broken and the poor are the most preyed upon.

I know about CPS issues more than 99% of the people.
I mostly deal with middle class people.
I'll let you put that together.

And yes, the poor are the most preyed upon... because they are the easiest targets.

I, personally, would never hirer a lawyer in these cases.
Why would i hire someone who works for the court, and thus CPS?

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