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RE: More attacks from the leftist claiming Capitalism is the problem

in #life4 years ago

And the solution? Get rid of govern-cement. No, really.

A: We need to help the poor
B: Then why do you not give of your own time and money?
A: But, i am barely making it.

The problem here is that we, the community, the govern-cement, do not have a great big pile of cash that we are keeping from the poor.

Any plan literally requires taking off of your plate and putting it on someone elses'.

Anyone who says "tax the rich" has no clue what they are talking about.

The solutions all lie in a different direction.

A: i am hungry and poor.
B: here is a piece of land, grow yourself some food.

We cannot provide food, shelter and medical care to other people.
We have to allow them to acquire that themselves.

However, we have a competition system that makes the bottom (least price) often higher than the lowest people can afford.

So, we have to create a bottom that all can acquire.
And this should be, if you need a piece of land to grow food, here you go.
The land is not ours to lock up and keep any future generations from using.

Anyway, we will be leaving large cities. We will drive a lot less. We will all become farmers.

The solutions seem like fantasy because so much changes between now and then.

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