Monday Morning Is Usually Garbage/Recyclables Pickup Time.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Because it's extra cold outside in Upstate New York, in the single digits, and because my friend who lives with me is sick and isn't up for taking out the trash tonight, the responsibility has fallen on me. This is obviously not one of my most welcomed tasks, but I will do it with cheer, as my mom used to say, and get it over with, so the cold doesn't chill me to the bone. I have dressed as warm as possible for a race like this.

My usual idea is to take the roll about garbage container and stack the Cans, Bottles, Glass and Paper recycle bin on top of it, balancing it carefully, so it stays on the garbage container and doesn't fall all over the driveway, which is all full of snow at the moment. (Was that last sentence a bit of a run-on sentence? Me thinks so. ) The only problem? Paper usually flies away as I walk to the corner of my street, where the final array is put down and displayed. So I go back over my steps , picking up all those papers that I lost on the first round and again deposit them carefully and tightly (hopefully) back into the recycle bin.

I turn the garbage container around and place it about halfway between the driveway and the corner, so the pickup guy doesn't forget to take it. It's at least 25 steps he has to take to get to it, so if I make it a shorter distance, he most likely will dump all of what's inside it and not a sloppy half container, 'cause he doesn't have to walk so far now.

Once I have set the garbage can, I make a mad dash back to the garage, where I grab the Plastics bin. This is a snap! So light! Whoever invented this stuff? Thanks! Not hard on the back one bit. I take it, almost at a run to the corner where I left the last bin and I carefully stick it into or on top of the first bin, while saying a little prayer that it doesn't topple over onto the main driveway. Plastic is so light, a breeze could turn the bin over, quite easily.

Okay, sounds like my task is over and I can go back inside, where I can get back on Steemit....yay! The best part is not when the guys come tomorrow morning for the noisy 8:15 am pickup, the best part is when I go outside about an hour after they finally leave and I find my garbage container and two recycle bins neatly put right next to the garage door, where I grab them and put them back into the garage again. The mystery stranger has never let on who he/she happens to be, but if you are on Steemit and happen to be reading this, thank you so much. You are a saint!

One more week's garbage and recycling done. By the way, where did all this stuff come from? We only have three people living in this house, and we try so hard to recycle what we can, but even so, there seems to be way too much stuff going out to recycle. It strikes me almost like how fast time is flying lately. We all know another week has gone by because we all know it's Sunday night, and again our garbage is going to be picked up tomorrow morning. No need for calendars any more.



thanks for the follow too....:)

I live in a tropical country, Philippines, and we all want to experience how it feels have snow but in your area in the US you also had too much snow. Isn't it ironic? :)
But I salute you for being hardworking. Always look out for your health amidst the cold.
Have a good day! :)

thanks Jackie. I like the four seasons myself, although winter COLD is not my faire. I do love the white outs the snow brings.

It was all over the news of hoe the winter was coming down on you guys. Take it easy over there. You should visit Nigeria, we don't have snow. Lol.

Ami, have a warm day in Nigeria!!

thank you

yes it sure does! ha! cold hard work!!

I hope your doing good right now in New York. I heard it is freezing there right now because of the Bomb cyclone storm.

doing fine....thanks.....72 inside....plastic on the windows cuts down the drafts and saves some moolah too.

That's great to hear

Let's hope the weather is less harsh going forward...Upvoted

The mystery stranger has never let on who he/she happens to be, but if you are on Steemit and happen to be reading this, thank you so much. You are a saint!

God bless those stealthy angels !

yes for sure....bless them big time

hope you are doing alright in the harsh weather

staying inside mostly.... not a winter person.....
I do like looking at the snow though....ha!

Very nice thank you for sharing.
keep spirit :)

oh never gets me down. thanks

I also like snow but to not go outside in cold

well, God makes it for our pleasure, so I guess he wants us out there, playing in and on the snow.....ha!

You right, to make snow man🤗

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