Life is a Mirror, and How We Create Our Realities

in #life7 years ago

Life is a Mirror!

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What I mean specifically, is that our external reality, including the people that come into our lives, the circumstances and events that unfold, and all the situations around us we see is a reflection of our internal state of being and our perception of ourselves.

This transcends through all aspects of our lives, including what we do for work, what we do for fun, where we live, how we interact with others, as well as the relationships we have. All of this mirrors belief systems which we hold deep inside ourselves. What often happens with life is we try to change what's happening around us, as opposed to what's happening inside of us.

If we're having a bad day, we often will blame it on a circumstance. For example, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed or I got this bad news and next thing you know I carry these negative emotions with me throughout the day. In reality, we have the possibility to shift by looking inside ourselves and understanding who we really are at a core level; someone who is safe, comfortable, who has the ability to be relaxed and not be so easily swayed by the energies of the outside world.

This is what I believe to be the deepest aspect of life, to understand that we are co-creators of our life experience and that we are the ones who give it all meaning.

We're all brought up in circumstances which we don't necessarily control, but we do have the ability to control our perception. The easiest way to understand this is when we look at ourselves with intimate relationships.

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From my personal experience, I had always wanted a loving, committed relationship, but inside of me and my belief systems was a belief that doubted whether it truly existed or that I would be able to find it. So what happened throughout my twenties was that I would get in these short relationships and they wouldn't work out, because essentially I was looking for something which I didn't believe I could fully get. That created a discord in communication and eventually led to the ending of those relationships.

In the beginning stages, and before I saw this pattern over and over again, I questioned if it was the other person, or if it was just the way the world was. I went through all this before I had to realize that it really comes down to me and what I believe, because deep in my heart I wasn't fully ready to accept unconditional love, and because of this, I wasn't able to fully give it. I realized I was giving out my love based on conditions, and to see where I am now and that I had to go through those patterns over and over and over again to realize it wasn't the other person, it wasn't the world, nor was it the society we live in, but that it really comes down to what I believe about myself as well as my self image.

When I close my eyes and reach a subconscious state, do I see myself as someone who truly has deserves that relationship, or am I still holding on to some guilt with ideas and beliefs that are holding me back?

Another aspect of life that we often will blame the external world on is, finances and our money situation. Just think about the concept of the starving artist. We might have this creative ability, but we're living in a world where only one or two percent of the artists and musicians are actually making it, because we don't have that obvious external structure in the world such as the normal 9-5 path.

So oftentimes, artists and musicians can be some of the most depressed people on the planet, because they feel like they have so much to share but they might not be rewarded financially, which leads to not being able to maintain themselves and constantly expand their ability to create. This often will lead to thinking and believing that our lack of success is based on the external reality, and that it's everything around us that's the cause, instead of it being us.

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In reality, life is showing us what we truly believe in, so when I go back through all those times when I'd beat myself up because I'm not making the right amount of money with music, at the core, I have to first truly realize and remember that I'm making this music and I'm releasing it not just for the money. The reason why I have those negative reactions is because I have an expectation that's being built up, and then the response from the reality around me is showing me what I truly believe in.

All these relationships that failed and didn't work out, which left me wondering, "what is the issue?" were all showing me that the issue was with my way of thinking and with my belief systems.

Everything around us is impacted by what we truly feel deep inside of ourselves. All the beliefs stem from being brought up on this planet with a very limited reality experience that we define the whole world with. Since we're very small kids, we identify everything and create a belief system out of it. When we get a little bit older, we project that out on the world and may see things that don't truly resonate with our heart. This is one of the deepest things that we have to understand; that we are truly in control of our beliefs and the meaning that we give to this world.

This is the idea of being a creator of your reality. By looking into our beliefs and understanding that whatever we hold for ourselves as a belief system is what will manifest in our reality, we can understand that if we want to change the reality around us, we have to first change our belief systems.

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For me to overcome the financial aspect of being a musician, I had to get past the ideas that musicians are starving artists, that hardly anyone makes money doing music, and that it's hard to be successful as a musician in this day and age, which led me to rewriting my own story. I had to hold my new belief systems in stone inside of my soul before I saw them manifest in a reality around me. It happens internally first, so I had to tell myself, "yes I can be successful as a musician."

I've had to hold this deep inside myself from when I started out and released my very first song over 3 years ago. It had been an extremely slow start and slow road, especially as I'd been trying to figure out even HOW to make money as a musician, and to do that, I've had to hold onto this belief system for so long despite what I saw around me. Sometimes things are tough, because I'm not at the point where I am one hundred percent making all my money off of music, but it's really within the last six months that I've been actually making money doing the one thing that I love the most, that I'm the most passionate about on this planet, so I can see the reality already taking place.

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It's so true that what we hold as a belief changes the way we perceive the world around us, which changes our thoughts, which then influences our actions. When we focus on how we output to the world, that's when things start to change, because that's when we're not as dependent on receiving something, and instead is when when we're coming from a place of abundance instead of scarcity.

That is when we're truly co-creating in a manner which we've been designed for.

When we focus on the internal world, we're going to see a reflection of that in the external world. We cannot worry about how long it takes, because we're not in control of time. But what we can do is find presence in the fact that we understand what's true for us in regards to how we define our world.

If you guys have any experience, or anything you'd like to share in regards to your beliefs and how you've redefined them, I'd love for you to share and drop your thoughts in the comments below! Let's talk about it, because the more we can explain this with each other, the more we can better understand and the more other people are going to be able to wake up to this reality and improve their lives.

Thanks for reading!


Much love,
Bryan Divisions


Man this is forever real. That saying "Be the change you wish to see in the world" is real. If you change the way you think it can do wonders for changing your external reality.

Yes bro! What a man thinks, he becomes!

Your thoughts on finding long term love and accepting that it is possible for all of us to find it if we truly believe that we are deserving of it is spot on and I am so grateful for the reminder of that. I have faced a lot of the same experiences with many short term relationships in my twenties and it took me years to figure out that I was dating people that I could never see myself with long term because I was scared of getting attached to anyone after a semi-abusive childhood. This was a great post and well thoughtout. Thanks so much for sharing! ~Ivy~

Thank you for reading!

wow excellent words my brother better you could not say things, because I totally agree with you life is a mirror, sometimes we reflect something on the outside but inside we are feeling something else either sad or happy, many times it happens to us we focus on what they will say about me, and we do not really care about ourselves, about how we are and feel inside. As it has happened to me that when I have a bad day and I'm in a bad mood, everything around me is like I'm in a bad mood, because people treat me badly, things go wrong and it's as if that I have internally will be reflected on the outside. That is why the phrase that life is a mirror is totally true, but what is there is to keep going and always positive so that things go well and as we want. Excellent publication brother, I congratulate you. Thanks for sharing.


i was thinking about this "mirroring effect" yesterday and yes, our thoughs patterns and believe system attract persons or situations that can help us to grow and expand our potential. I feel that Steemit motivate us to work harder on our talents, explore new hobbies, connect and make new friend, etc while earning money to help us support a new world system.. i hope it works for everyone and that we learn to make everything better while helping each other

Yes you're totally right! That's what I love about this community. It's helping me to grow my talents and skills so quickly because of the monetary compensation involved. What a blessing to be alive in this age!

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