My daily life - Episode 2

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Only waking up at 9:30 realizing I only have two days left to study where I then see, on one of the platforms that I have an extra class at 10 o'clock.

Rushing to get ready for the class I put on clean clothes and start to run. As I got closer I saw nobody from my class... Is this even the right class?

I turned around and went back to the hostel. I then took a look on the platform only to see it's for children that has Mathematics as a subject. All the way for nothing!

I got ready to study for the second time where one of my friends came barging in asking me if I wanted to go train with him. I unfortunately said yes, because I actually needed to start studying but I knew that I had to get some training in as well. So he then took the opportunity to kill me with fitness, but I knew I also have dreams that needs to become reality, so I pushed through it!

An awesome time we had at the courts, grinding and training hard. But that also took like two hours of my day. So I said to myself I'll study when I get back, but did you think that actually happen?

I quickly took a shower, and after that I came to sit in front of my laptop. My roommate came in telling me he is going home for the holidays. So I am alone in my room for another two more days...

I then watched a few videos of how I can improve my line-out throws. I then tried the technique and my throws improved with like 150%, distance and accuracy.


So after doing that I came back and I saw the time and it was already 6pm. What have I done the whole day? I then saw my laundry piling up in my room so I quickly went to wash it, because I'm going to have to pack for I'm leaving to go to my home town in two days. I then came back to sit, where me and @giantbear then spoke for an hour, and during that I wrote my parasailing post.

I then had Sêr for another two hours from 8pm up until 10pm. We started by singing our new medley for our coach, where he then told us to sing the whole song. After the show I'll upload a video. But it will be in a months time from now. Can't give out to much information here.

I then finally came back to my room where I then had an opportunity to study for the first time today and from 11:30pm to 00:30am I studied and finally went to sleep.

Another daily life, thanks for tuning in!

This is me @brotherbear


Cant wait to see you, enjoy your day.

Me neither... Two more days!

See you forget to vote for me so please do so thank you and resteem if you want.

It is, but it'll be all worth it in the end.

What a delightful story. Enjoy yourself between studying, also important, time pass by very quickly

That is true, time flies when you're having fun.

Sick post bro !!

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