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RE: The Consciousness Awakening Will Continue Regardless Of The Outcome To The 2016 Election

in #life8 years ago

great article. Thinking of the Obama administration, I believe that he really did want to "change" things (whether you agree with what he wanted to change is a different argument). However, he quickly found out that he didn't have the power and influence to shape change, at least not as much as he wanted.


@brinkerbd - just put a comment below. Obama is from the same camp as Clintons and Bushes. ALthough when he became a president 2nd time he made a step towards national oriented patriot camp, ie he completely changed his administration completely removing ex Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan represetatives.

Obamacare - if you look at the true sense of this policy, it is a revolutionary step for the US and help to the US economy. It is a pitty that it remains underestimated.

Obama definitely wasn't a part of the same "camp", IMHO, he was a political outsider, as far as Washington goes. This isn't about quibbling, but instead digging deeper, Obama was and always would have been a cog in a much larger, and more powerful system. This system isn't necessarily conscious, but has taken on a life of its own. Understanding this system is now paramount.

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