
I'll have none of those little spy units in my home. Doesn't matter if they are government or corporate eavesdroppers, it's bad just the same.

Sadly, the masses will fight each other to be the first one in the neighborhood to have one. They are well trained, obedient subjects that will do as they are SOLD.

Too true, as they gather around the Giant Idiot Box for their nightly ritual of obedience, they will gladly buy the newest gadgets to make their life "easier", then rush off the next morning to slave away for the money to pay for them.

Damn, that's good. Do we sound angry at the deep state / shadow government / corporatocracy / spy agencies that run this program?
Oh wait, the idiot box told me to ask my doctor about some new pill that will make me forget about all their BS.

I'm not sure who to be angrier at, the puppets or the puppeteers.

Well said Brother. It's encouraging to know others are awake!

Haha! Ain' that the truth! I even go so far as to put a lil' piece of painters tape over my CPU's camera............. ;)

Yup, we've got the ipads taped up tight too!

Abraham Lincoln : In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

There is a big benefit to it..... and a big thread. Chose wisely.

Hey, check out my recent posts on 1984 on my feed.

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