The Smart Homes are coming! (Or Why did Thomas Edison execute Topsy the Circus Elephant?)

in #life7 years ago

As the latest Noreaster ravages the Eastern Seaboard, the hundreds of thousands of people who are currently without electrical currents could probably use the generator that MIT recently rolled out--a little black box that creates electricity out of "thin" air:

Here's a good article and video about our new little black boxes:

Inventor Nikola Tesla envisioned harnessing free electricity from the air for everyone to use, as opposed to Thomas Edison, who envisioned harnessing his fee electricity to dogs, horses, Topsy the Circus Elephant and prison chairs. Here's a couple of videos about our Great American Hero Thomas Alva Edison who harnessed his electricity to publicly "execute" a circus elephant in West Orange, New Jersey, ostensibly because Topsy had "trampled his trainer to death," but really because Mr. Edison wanted to show Americans how they could use his not-so-free electricity:

MIT's announcement of a new use for "old" DARPA and NASA technology might signal that we are about to enjoy the same technology that powers our "space ships" and our war machines. If I didn't know the story of Tesla, Edison and J.P. Morgan, I might feel a little more confident that We, the People would benefit more from "free" electricity than Consumers Energy. (Good luck with that, Friends.) Unfortunately, with our media and tech roll-outs, you almost always have to investigate these announcements like you would a crime (and thanks to Smith/Mundt, it's okay for our government to engage in propaganda and tell us fibs). To get the bigger picture, it always helps to ask who benefits, what's their modus operandi and who is financing the latest black box technology.

How many of you have one of these monitoring your home's power consumption?

Around 2012, your local energy company probably replaced your "old and inefficient" meter with a "Smart Meter." What this "smart" meter does (among other things) is track your energy and gas usage in "real time." In other words, the descendants of Edison can monitor and analyze your movements and whereabouts in the "privacy" of your home based on your power consumption--and other technology they don't advertise with your monthly bill. This is just a prelude to the bigger roll-out of "the smart home" and the IOT (Internet of Things) in which "smart" phones, TV's and even kitchen appliances will be "connected" for our benefit--and soon we will hear how much better the "Smart Grid" and the new 5G towers (that are spreading like the cancer they cause) will make our lives.

The punchline to all of this surveillance disguised as convenience is that your power company will insist that they keep your data private--that they have safeguards in place against hackers. What they won't tell you is that hackers have been able to turn off the power across America in the past few months; logic should tell us, that if hackers can turn off the power at Edison Electric, they can get at our private information. What's more, Wikileaks released documents showing that our pals at the alphabet agencies not only hacked into our Smart technology, they actually asked manufacturers to create "back doors" for them to look into the privacy of our Smart Homes:

Our technology can be so promising for humanity, but the never-ending intrusion into our lives by corporations and our government should tell us that something not-so-promising is afoot. Because the past is prologue, Americans should probably look beyond the "benefits" of our new technology and look at a couple of cautionary tales: the true story of the way electricity came into our homes should hit the hairs on the back of our necks like electrical impulses and Solzhenitsyn's warning about passivity and ignorance historically preceding genocide should get our attention, too:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. This is the unknown that history has so predictably filled in the blanks for, that the public has so predictably failed to see, the same unawareness currently affecting so many Americans. I am dumbfounded as one side of the mouth cries, "Nazi!"- but would more appropriately be a cry of, "Not see!", while the mouths' other side demands we be disarmed. It must be equal in absurdity to those who lived through such things and found the luxury of hindsight. People seem to view such horrors from history as though the people were somehow stupid, wondering how something like that could happen to so many without evidence of a fight. Well, for anyone who ever wondered...look around.
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago (written circa 1958-1968)

The way tech research has always worked in "Amerika" is that new technologies always begin in places like MIT, Tulane, McGill University, Stanford and DARPA, but all new technologies are quickly controlled (if not created) by our government and analyzed for their potential as weaponry. That fact alone should make us look at the elephant in the room when our wonderful new Smart Homes are complete.

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