Stop Insults/Bullying From Crushing You (Especially Acne)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone!

Today I wanted to make a post about something that's very near and dear to me, which is acne and the social pressure that comes with it. I started getting acne around 14-15 in high school and quickly became a huge target for bullies at my school, with their favorite nickname for me being, "Rudolph", I was raised with a tough guy mentality so I never "felt" it in the moment, instead I would laugh it off but later I found that it was slowly building up in me and I wasn't expressing my emotions.

Look, there may be things that are objectively worse, but acne is not a joke. If you've never had severe acne you simply cannot understand what it's like to have everyone staring at you or asking you what's wrong with your face. It makes you feel like you've got your underwear tucked outside of your shirt, because you know it's noticeable and you know someone is going to bring it up.

Building a passion is one of the best ways to work through the social anxiety and pressure that comes from acne. If you find a STRONG passion you will build your self esteem through excelling and pushing yourself within that discipline. You will also be so consumed with your obsession/passion that you won't be able to hear the negative words that some weaker minded people heft your way. This is the way I was able to push myself into confidence, the bullying caused me to introvert inwards and stark working hard on my own brand at 15-16. From there I advanced more and more physically as well as with my business until one day I realized that all the people who had made fun of me, no longer talked about my acne but instead asked how they could gain muscle like I had or how to build their own businesses.

My point is that weak-minded people are always the people trying to bring you down, mainly because they have self esteem issues and need to bolster themselves up by bringing you down. The biggest shame of all in life would be to let these people dampen and eventually diminish your potential and ability to succeed! Instead, dig deep, push hard, work relentlessly and learn to excel in your passions, they will carry you so far!

I hope you enjoy this video my friends, thank you for watching!

▶️ DTube

Purpose and passion frees us from the confines of our ego. When we are passionate about something bigger than our bodies or individual self we see ourselves in other things and that where oneness and self love is found when you destroy the ego by caring about others. Love you bro!

Truth brother, passion is an amazing thing! I believe that altruism is something that brings the best out of us and allows us to look outward on how we can connect and help others

First, let me say what an amazing person you are. It takes a strong spirit, and massive courage to not only endure bullying, but to find ways to defeat it. I really like your suggestion about finding a passion. You are right, it builds self-esteem, and gives you more confidence. It also helps to take the focus off what "they" are doing TO you, and puts the focus on what YOU are doing for YOU. I'm sorry for your struggle, but glad you found ways to overcome. I know it can be difficult some days, but just look yourself in the mirror every day, and say, "I love you, Brian." It works a special kind of magic on your psyche, to hear yourself tell yourself that you are loved.

And remember, how others treat you is not a reflection of who you are, but a reflection of who they are.

I love your post, it's a strong thing to love yourself!

On the Subject of Bullying, I had this problem from the 4outh class up to the 9th class (when I left that school), I was being Bullyid for so long and it was incredibly difficult for me, starting 7th class I started understanding why, because a)Because they knew that I'm emotionally not particularly strong, b) Because I was physically even weaker (I literally had no force in my hands at all).
And even though I changed in the way I behaved, and actually started doing something, they just couldn't get it that people could change so they continued (even though at a little lesser degree)
When I finally left that school and gone to a different one, there were still this type of people who would bully you, but they didn't know that I'm Emotionally weak, so they never had the chance to really try.

Also adding, I'm actually thankful to those who bullied me, because they showed me, what life is, Its not easy, and that trusting anyone is very hard.

i like your motto "building a passion", many of us have great passion and cultivate them but it certainly made a change on my perspective the word "building" ... i will try to reflect on that and focus my attention on building myself and my biggest passion, and also "building" my path on Steemit

Thanks for sharing you story, it takes bravery and you are doing a great job empowering others and commiting to stop bullying.


Thanks Shelly! I think the reason I say "building" is because my disciplines have all gotten better the more discipline I've built with them. Thanks for the response!

I don't have bad acne, but I still get ridiculed because I have vitiligo. On the daily i get asked if I'm wearing make up.

I didn't know that about you, I know you can relate to this post then

I've thought about to make a video about it for Java with Jac, but not really sure of how to go about it.

i've watched u on youtube & I understand ur feeling man coz we got the same problem.. I'm not ashamed to admit it.. haha

Acne can be cleared up with drinking a cap fill of Braggs Apple cider vinegar with 6 to 8 oz of room temperature water every single morning!! This will beyond help and it will go beyond that, it's a wellness concoction! Bullying is for lames, the weak minded people living among the strong! #stopbullying #braggsapplecidervinegar Awesome Supportive Video!!!

I'll be right back to watch your video man. The network over here is something else. Nice words you've really motivated me this night.

And I'm back. Your video was awesome, some comments where emotional and the way you addressed each of the comments you read was wonderful too. I love the part you talked about focusing on your passion. I hope to get more inspiring videos from your channel. 👍👍

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