
Tragic! I've never understood the whole risk/reward ratio of activities like this. Sure it's a rush, but if it goes wrong you're dead or paralysed.

Glad you guys made it though!



Personally, I don't think there is that big of a risk. It's just fun for me. Calculated activity, and I like to keep the odds horribly in my favor.

Personally, I don't think there is that big of a risk

This is because of a cognitive bias that most people display at one point or another. Whereby we believe dangerous activities to be less so for us. For instance smokers or people who have unprotected sex with lots of strangers will always believe that they are less at risk from the rest of the populace.

I like to keep the odds horribly in my favor.

Me too, I avoid such activities 😁

Fair play to you though, this kind of stuff always makes for entertaining watching! 👍


Good point! People often do see themselves as the exception to the rule! Glad it is interesting to watch!

I get the way you are thinking about it and we did feel fear making the jumps and it is the feeling you get after you complete the jumps that is hard to match anyway else.

Some might say that Investing in crypto currencies aren't worth it because it goes up like a rocket and down like a guillotine and that these things are too wild.

But we live for that feeling when it is going parabolic!!!!

Sometimes you have to be willing to do what others are not willing to do!

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