Is Everyone A Participating Scammer?

in #life7 years ago

Have you ever been in a situation where you are working for a company and something is going wrong that is having a very big impact on a lot of people in a negative way and in some ways could be considered a large scam?  Let's take for instance the Wells Fargo Fake Account Scandal.

If you aren't aware of what I'm talking about it was where Wells Fargo employees were incentivized for opening up fake accounts under customers names and punished for not opening up enough of them.  This type of activity goes on all the time in different industries.  Let's take the services industry for television, cell phones, and cable Internet.  As a customer have you ever tried to disconnect a line of service and found out that it never actually got disconnected months down the road?  Possibly you even tried to call in multiple times to disconnect and couldn't get it done even though you were told it was shut off or going to shut off at the end of the billing cycle.  This activity is prevalent in those industries by structuring the incentives to be favorable to lie and not disconnect customer's services.  Then those instore and call center agents get punished for actually disconnecting customers.  Here is a phone call with a Comcast customer service rep who won't disconnect a customers service.   

The company then structures it so that the supervisors bonus / pay structure is dependent on keeping these activities going and so are the next several levels of management.  Everyone is herded like cattle to act shady and scammy.  

Have you ever been incentivized at a job to be a scammer?  

Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


Sometimes it just seems to me that the only way people can make a living is to rip people off. They have no morals. I would rather starve to death then make people's lives miserable!

I agree Tomm. People start justifying it in their minds. "They are just following orders." Kind of like the Nazis

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