Sometimes Irony is Pronounced as WTF

in #life7 years ago

The paths that we journey on through our life is often flooded by the overflowing streams of irony.

Sometimes we encounter Irony

And sometimes we encounter IRONY

In the case of the latter, we are often left to resort to one thing, and that is; taking a step back and saying: "WTF"

Here are a few such instances, that define the very structure of irony.

Ever have that burning desire to know who the inventor of something was?

Over the years, there has been many amazing inventions that has helped people all over the world in many different ways, and for the greater part of it the inventors patent these wonderful creations of theirs at the patent office in order to claim rights and recognition for their invention. This however would have been the case with the fire extinguisher.

The invention of the fire extinguisher is mostly credited to a man called Mr Frederic Graff Sr. who is believed to have created the first post or pillar type fire hydrants of the modern day around 1801, unfortunately this will never be confirmed and passed over as fact, due to the patent office loosing the patent rights record of the said extinguisher by means of fire damage when it burned down.


When Piracy is Ashore

When it comes to piracy concerning media such as DVD's, CD's etc. there is one name that predominantly pops to mind and that is BREIN, the anti piracy group that is best known for the making of the "Piracy is a Crime" advert that we ever so often see as a prelude to the DVD we are about to watch.

Musician Melchior Rietveld was reportedly asked by the BREIN group to write the music for an advert that they were working on and wanted to show at the 2006 local film festival. Needless to say that it came as an immense shock to Rietveld to hear his music playing on the piracy campaign video of his recently purchased Harry Potter DVD, and after looking into the matter Rietveld realised that these adverts have been used for copious copies of numerous DVD's in the retail sector, without attaining the right to use the music and more so without any form of compensation given to Rietveld.

Thus the Anti Pirating campaign pirated music onto an anti pirating campaign video, then had it published and retailed... and we are not allowed do pirate a song off the internet?


The Name Behind the Fame, Eating Away at its own Destruction

A man by the name of George Harrison once an avid gardener and amazing musician tragically passed on in 2001. In 2004 a tree was planted in memory of dearest George and by 2013 the tree had managed to host a very bad beetle infestation that ended up killing it.

Now you are reading this and you are thinking to yourself, where is the irony in that, then you are clearly not someone who knew that George Harrison just so happened to be the lead guitarist of the ever so famous band THE BEATLES who's memorial tree that was planted in Griffith Park in Los Angeles was killed by BEATLES



I love these kinds of stories! Irony, personified, indeed.

One of my favorite tales is that of Jim Fixx, credited by most as the father of jogging as a way to become healthy and fit, and live longer lives. He died of a heart attack while jogging... at age 52.

I know right, I love them too.
That is quite an EPIC one!!

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