Some thoughts on my affirmation on happyness

in #life7 years ago

On my previous post on my affirmation of happiness I received a reply that made me think a bit about our general state of being in this state of our human being.

We are not always in the perfect surroundings neither surrounded by the perfect circumstances and very few remain in anoptimal state that is conducive to intricate happiness.

So how the hell is it that there is always that one person who always has that sincere glowing smile, caring attitude and consoling presence?

Are they blessed with a happy gene that we have not been blessed with, is their world a perfect one that merely runs parallel to our universe?

#  My answer to that is simply 

Hell no! 

I very strongly doubt that the above is the case. 

I believe that we have a choice we can in fact choose to be happy. We can also choose to spread happiness in a world that is direly lacking in that sector. We can choose to look at whatever we are faced with, and decide if we are willing to acknowledge that there is a greater love out there waiting to enfold us in happiness, or admit defeat by denying ourselves that happiness and letting our circumstances get the best of us.

Being happy does not always come naturally, we very easily get lost in our perils, but just remember, we can choose.

*  we can choose to show the world happiness

*  we can choose to be happy.

One love, choose , for that which you can see in your mind will be the product that you end up holding in your hands!

image credit. (

I think it is an evolutionary process. Most people with Down syndrome are relatively happy; this is why doctors stopped urging abortion when Down syndrome was known to be the likely outcome. Simple life, happiness, love, empathy, compassion... they feel all of those feelings that seem to elude the rest of the general population. It makes you wonder if that is where the happy gene is stored. I personally believe when the designer babies are traced back to their roots people are not going to want to take the risk of the "genetic defect" that causes the rare traits. Most unique and sought after traits are in fact just slight cases of a genetic default. To get happy you run the risk of downs, to get pale blonde hair you run the risk of albino, to get genius you run the risk of mad, etc.

Thats certainly one way to look at it. But it does make me think that the average human being tends to overwhelm themselves with overthinking things. In stead of just not acknowledging it at all such as in some cases of people with downs.... Their focus is more directed at the simplicities of joy in steadof the logistics of the mundane...

My husband said the downs population as a whole was happy because they don't get it. As in why we are here.

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