Lessons from Nature ~ The Honey Badger

in #life7 years ago

To the average onlooker the honey badger does not look like much, but on closer inspection you will so easily be swept in by the qualities and characteristics of this persistent wonder of nature, that all of us can take a lesson from.

The badger has an immensely tough hide and is resistant to most venom and poisons from the natural world this combined with his courage and persistence allows this creature whom lacks in physical size but impresses with the size of his heart and spirit, to take on pretty much anything he comes across, and he will stop at nothing to get to where he decides to go.

Don't fret the little things

Just like the poisons and venom does not affect the badger, so too should poisonous negativity from our own lives not deter or affect us, live in the now, and soak up the greatness of every moment in stead of letting the bad get under our skin.

When you pursue something, be persistent in doing so.

When yo set your mind on something, go at it whole-heartedly, and even more important, finish what is started.


Be grateful for every single being that you have the privilege of sharing your life with, but do so without forgetting that this remains your journey. Independence does not mean solitude, but do not fear braving things on your own.

Image credit www.wikipedia.com



Hard to think about Honey Badgers without Randall's original YouTube clip playing through my head.

The Honey Badger don't give a s###t

haha true words

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