Faced With Chocolate

in #life6 years ago

Me and my friend would treat ourselves to a home made face-mask a glass of wine and each others company a least once a moth. The one time we decided to make some chocolate face-masks, we mixed the mask that we wanted to use and placed it in the fridge to settle for a bit while we ran out to go get some wine from the shop, and we returned to a horrifying sight, her husband, in the kitchen with a spoon, eating what he thought was pudding, luckily he did leave enough in the bowl for us to use as masks.

Why would we want to put chocolate on our skin?

Well let me tell you...

  • Cocoa moisturizes dry skin
  • Relieves inflamed problematic skin
  • Refreshes tired skin
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Revitalize damaged & leathery skin
  • Improves oily skin immensely


Cocoa contains

  • Vitamin PP / Niacin that has restorative properties
  • Vitamin A - Combats inflamed and dry skin
  • Pantothenic Acid - revitalizing agent that reduces the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles
  • Vitamin B9 / Folic Acid - Soothes irritated & inflamed skin
  • Iron - Ensures that skin receives the necessary oxygen
  • Potassium - a Much needed entity in order to keep skin moisturized
  • Calsium - needed for new skin cell generation
  • Starch - whitens , brightens and softens skin

Here is a recipe for a hydrating face-mask that is good enough to eat:

  • 1/4 cup of Cocoa
  • Honey
  • Vitamin E Oil / Tissue Oil
  • Tablespoon of PLAIN Yogurt

Mix all the above ingredients together, then apply to the face avoiding the eye area. Let the mask sit for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water and apply your favorite moisturizer!

But that is not all you can do with coco, you can also make some face and body scrubs:

Spicy Coco Face & Body Scrub

  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger powder
  • Milk (just a little to make it more spreadable!)

Cinnamon and ginger helps with blood circulation that in turn feeds & oxygenates skin cells better, and improves cell metabolism, for a healthy glowing skin!.

Mix all the ingredients above together then gently exfoliate face & body, rinse off in shower.

And while you are at it you might as well treat your feet:

Cocoa Foot Soak

Indulge your feet in a milky cocoa bath. Mix a few spoons of cocoa powder with warm milk in a large bowl.
Soak you feet in this mixture for 10-15 minutes.
The cocoa with moisturize whilst the milks lactic acid softens the feet. Adding a foot massage will enhance circulation and put you on cloud nine in chocolate heaven

(Image credit)[www.pixabay.com]

So what are you waiting for - treat yourself to some chocolate!


I approve this message. Everyone cover yourselves in chocolate immediately.

One question - how hungry are you?

Lol, well I think the only appropriate answer to that question is always.

BOAHHHH next to spending time this really does sound like heaven actually. Cool recipes to make the masks and scrubs going, it didnt realize it was THAT easy!

hahaha, it really is - we make some masks and body products from fresh fruit mostly and it does wonders for the skin, only problem is that they don't really have a shelf life, so making them fresh works the best

I enjoyed this post very much, thank you for all the information. Hope you are doing well @breezin I haven't seen you on discord for ages.

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