Is Child Protective Services Unfairly Targeting Homeschool Families? And if so, why?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

homeschool famlies.jpg
I have noticed a disturbing trend when it comes to Homeschoolers being bullied by Child Protective Services. In fact, I have met homeschool families who have had their children taken away by CPS for the most unfair of reasons. Now, I'll be the first to say that if children are being treated in an abusive way, then they should be taken away immediately. However, generally not the case when it comes to the families being targeted by the CPS agenda.

I remember hearing about the Stanley Family in Arkansas who had their children taken away because the authorities didn't approve of a water purification system that Mr Stanley had been using.

Fortunately, after a long and difficult battle with the courts, the Stanley Family had their children returned, but not without a great deal and heartache. But here's the thing....Not all families have had a relatively positive outcome like the Stanley Family.

This unfair treatment is not only happening here in the United States but in several countries around the world, including Norway. I remember hearing about the Bodnariu Family who were Romanian immigrants living in Norway. Their children were taken away for unjust reasons and held in foster care with very little hope of their being returned home.

Had it not been for an overwhelming show of support and a world-wide public outcry, the Norwegian government probably would not have returned the Bodnariu Children. I'm not sure if the Bodnariu Family homeschooled their children, but at any rate, they were profiled as being a family with old fashioned values.
Bodnariu Family Website

So why all of the targeting? I believe it's quite simple if you stop and think about it....

Families that choose to homeschool are often "free thinkers" and teach their children to follow in similar footsteps. They tend to think outside the box and haven't been brainwashed by the "matrix system". Consequently, if you have freed your mind from the power of the control grid, then the control grid cannot make you a slave.

I believe that this is a big reason why we are seeing such avid persecution aimed at homeschooling families. But there is hope because we have seen cases where innocent families have been reunited with their children after being torn apart. The Bodnariu Family is an outstanding example of this because their supporters did not give up and this is a lesson for all of us. Regardless of the issue, when we peacefully you unite together and speak out in one voice, there is so much that is possible.
bodnariu.jpgbodnariu norway.jpg
Thankfully, they were returned! :)

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Thanks again!


The government forgot, they are employees of the People. CPS is designed to destroy children and families.

I couldn't agree more! Well said!

Great Post and interesting, we have the same issues in the US. Big government overreach.

That's very true and I'm glad people are starting to wake up!

Interesting post. I just found this statistic on US Department of Education web site
Parents' Reasons for Homeschooling Their Children (in percentages), by reasons parents gave as important and most important
Reason 2011-2012
A desire to provide religious instruction 64
A desire to provide moral instruction 77
A concern about environment of other schools 91
A dissatisfaction with academic instruction at other schools 74
A desire to provide a nontraditional approach to child's education 44
Child has other special needs 16
Child has a physical or mental health problem 15
Other reasons 37

Thank you very much for providing us with these stats! Much appreciated! :)

My pleasure.

They do. The reason is quite simple. The state aims for indoctrination not education. They have their own 'family codes" about how a country owes to run and the youngsters are the easiest to lure into their narrative.

Yes, you hit the nail on the head! It's all about indoctrination rather than education. Thank you for commenting!

my pleasure. keep up the good work!

I definitely will... Thanks!

nice post my daughters are also homeschooled
if you care for your kids please please see my post (the video is a must see )

That's wonderful that you homeschool your daughters! I commend you for your dedication as a parent to homeschool! Thanks for your comment! :)

I heard about it. Something very similar happens in German with polish families. I am happy there is a hope. Glad that something has been changing for good.

I was homeschooled. Thanks for talking about CPS. They went after us.

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