How to change your life in 24 hours

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Can you really transform your life over the course of a day? I say yes ... do we bet? ;)

           " Today is the first day of the rest of your life." 
                                                                A. Hoffman.


I admit, the title of today's post is worthy of a Hollywood B-series movie: do you know any? I'm talking about those bands with second-rate actors who after 120 minutes of banality try to sneak in your throats a moral downturn on the "real" values of life.

Title aside ... and if it was really possible to change your life into 24 hours?

This challenge works damn well, but it requires a non-indifferent commitment, a commitment that many of us, absorbed by our chaotic lives, are unable or unwilling to put on the plate.

In today's article, I decided to adopt a different approach.

Don't misunderstood me, there are no secrets or shortcuts to transform your life, but I know a way to "taste" what you expect on the other side, without necessarily sacrificing months or even years. Indeed, this method is so effective that it will only take you 24 hours to put it into practice: word of @braveheart22 ;)

What do you say, let's take a look ?!


Dr. Frank Crane (Sir on the right side) was a Boston Globe editorialist in the 1920's and is best known for his "four-minute essays", short written with practical advices to improve your life.

Among these writings, one of the most famous was published in the American newspaper in 1921 under the title: "Just for Today" .

I'll explain how you'll use it at the end of the post :

Dr. Frank Crane - Just for Today

Here are 10 good things to do when you wake up in the morning. You will have to put them into action for only one day. Imagine, not as a lifetime commitment, but as a simple challenge of no more than 24 hours.

These actions may be enjoyable, but will still require your self-discipline. After all, who needs too easy good intentions ?

  1. Only for today, I will focus only on the challenges of this day, without worrying about all my other problems.
  2. Only for today, I'll be happy. Because as Abraham Lincoln said ...

"People can be happy as they decide to be."

  1. Only for today, I will accept the events that will happen to me, without complaining my misfortune and engaging myself in improving my situation.
  2. Only for today, I'll take care of my body. I will train him, feed him, I will not overlook it and I will not abuse it, so that he may be the perfect machine in the service of my wish.
  3. Only for today, I will try to strengthen my mind. I'll read, study, and learn something useful for my life.
  4. Only for today, I will test my spirit in three ways:
    I'lldo a good job for someone, but without seeking approval.
    I'll do at least two activities that I don't want to do.
    If anyone hurt me, I'll not let him see.
  5. Only for today, I will be courteous. I will not be disappointed and I will not criticize anyone.
  6. Only for today, I will have a program of the day. I will write what I expect to accomplish every hour. Maybe I will not follow the letter, but I will have my program.
  7. Only for today, I'll take half an hour to a complete relax. This time I will dedicate it to myself and to my well-being.
  8. Only for today, I will not be scared. I will not be afraid to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful in the world, to love and believe that those who I love , love me in their turn.

Intense program, huh? Let's see how to adapt it to your needs, but above all, we try to understand how to use it to trigger the fuse and transform your life forever.

Change your life : Test yourself #OnlyForToday

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I see Dr. Crane's idea of concentrating all our energies and our determination to change in one day, really brilliant.

We often stumble before starting, because we are terrified by the amount of work we have to do in order to change our lives, which have been out of the way for too long. On the contrary, just testing for one day, #OnlyForToday, is something that can be at the reach of everyone.

Of course ... a just well-lived day can't really change your life, but it can be a beginning: if we try on our skin, even for only one day, what it means to live fully, live at the level of our real potential, we will start an effect chained by unpredictable results ...

If you've decided to test it, here's what you'll have to do:

  1. The good advices suggested by Dr. Crane are cute, but a little foul, later you find a list of much more practical activities. Select three to carry forward, without "if" and without "but", during your #OnlyForToday test.

  2. Share your test publicly: this will help you complete it without too much excuses. This time no kittens ! We use social networks for our personal growth .

  3. Respect your good intentions, cost what it costs: hey ... we are talking about a 24-hour test, can you do it, not be a crybaby or a wimp!

All clear? Here is the list ofthe activities you can choose to do in your #OnlyForToday test :

  • Get up between 5 and 6 in the morning.
  • Take your sacred hour before going to the office or university.
  • Write your effective diary.
  • Do not check your personal email or social network before 10am.
  • Organize your working day using the GOLF method.
  • Make a complete media diet.
  • Complete the 12 study tomatoes (check about this method ) or work without distractions.
  • Eat 3 healthy meals.
  • Train for at least 30 minutes.
  • Walk for at least 10,000 steps in the day.
  • Read a book (no novels) for half an hour.
  • Read 3 articles of your choice in @braveheart22 Archive :) ( or wherever do you think to find interesting information )
  • Practice meditation for a minimum of 15 minutes.
  • Turn off TVs, tablets, smartphones, and any other electronic gadget, one hour before going to sleep.
  • Go to sleep before 23am.

Well , choose your three activities (is useless to overdo) and publicly share your #OnlyForToday test , so share this article and help others to do the same, follow @braveheart22 and stay tuned for other great posts :) .

I can't wait reading your challenge , but above all, can't wait to read your comment as soon as you finish it. Let me know how it went, what did you try at the end of the day and if you were proud of you ;).

Remember: Our lives are made of individual days. Testing in the next 24 hours and changing one day could turn into a life change.

            "If not now, when? If not me, who? If not here, where? "
                                                                    Rabbi Hillel.

I wish you a wonderful week !


With love ,



PS : If you think this is a quality post ,please FOLLOW @braveheart22 and you'll have the best articles & news ,@braveheart22 promises !


                                       THANK YOU !

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