PragTrip – Day2 (EN down)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Druhý deň po raňajkách sme sa vybrali na malú prechádzku popri Vltave, po Karlovom moste a ku Orloju. Pri orloji sme zavítali do Starbucks. Priateľka kávu miluje ja ale kávu nepijem. Ale mám rád hrnčeky a hneď po vstupe zbadáte krásne Starbucks hrnčeky. Neodolali sme a hneď sme si tri kúpili. Objednali sme si Karamelové Macchiato. Klasicky ako to vidíte vo filmoch na hrnčeky napísali naše mená. Potom sme si šli sadnúť lebo som chcel využiť ich WC. Čo ma prekvapilo bolo WC na kód. Áno, ak ste chceli vojsť do WC museli ste zadať 5 miestny kód z účtenky.
Káva bola veľmi dobrá a zahriala, keďže vonku boli asi -4 stupne. Zima jak v Ruskom filme, len bez snehu. Potom sme šli na minigolf.


Prague Golf and Games

Tento podnik ponúka netradičný minigolf a ďalšie atrakcie. V celom bare je totiž tma a svietia tam len UV lampy. Všetky maľby na stenách a aj farba na jamkách minigolfu svieti v tme. Maľby na stenách poukazujú na dôležité udalosti Českých dejín od príchodu Cyrila a Metoda cez Golema, Pražskú Jar až po Nežnú revolúciu. Minigolf má 18 jamiek. Každá je venované niečomu. Napríklad Tomášovi Baťovi, Golemovy, Hokeju, Nežnej revolúcii alebo Petrínskej rozhľadni. Ako vidíte minigolf som bohužiaľ prehral, ale tesne. V herni nájdete aj biliard, klasické pinball automati (Terminátor 3 a C.S.I. Las Vegas) Air Hockey a Foosball. Táto herňa bola taká super ako som očakával takže určite odporúčam navštíviť.

U Fleku II.

Potom nasledoval obed U Fleku. Tentokrát sme si dali ako predjedlo tlačenku a hovädzí vývar a ako hlavné jedlo sviečkovú. Veď čo by to bol za výlet do Čiech bez sviečkovej. Jedlo nesklamalo a bolo úžasné. Nebíčko v papuľke. Tentokrát sme si k pivku dali aj medovinku a bola famózna. Hneď sme si zistili od čašníka značku. Čašník nám povedal, že nám predá aj fľašu ale, že ju majú dosť drahú nech pohľadáme na internete. Samozrejme k účtu, plateného kartou, som pridal aj tringelt. Tentoraz bez vyzvania takže si myslím, že ten minulý čašník mal len zlý deň.


Cash Only Bar

Potom sme šli na chvíľku na hotel a večer do baru Cash Only Bar. Je to taký malý podnik s dvoma barmi. Horný bar je asi pre 16 ľudí a spodný asi pre 30. Pri vstupe nás privítal znovu slovenský barman a usadil nás. Doniesol nám nápojový lístok a nechal nás pozrieť si ho. Bar ponúka asi 60 druhov whisky a rumu z celého sveta od Ameriky až po Japonsko, koktejli od výmyslu sveta, domáci popcorn, a domáce Hot Dogy. Teraz mali aj špeciálnu ponuku 8-10 extra koktejlov venovaných zime. Keď prišiel barman zas videl, že si nevieme vybrať a tak sa nás spýtal čo by sme asi chceli aby nám vedel poradiť. Priateľka chcela niečo osviežujúce a nealkoholické. Barman nám povedal, že v ponuke nemajú žiaden nealkoholický drink ale veľmi radi nejaký namiešajú len pre ňu. Spýtal sa jej ešte pár vecí ako či by tam mohlo byť lesné ovocie, cukor, citrón a podobne a prišiel som na rad ja. Ja mám rád Caipirinhu a tak som povedal, že niečo tomu podobné. Original Caipirinhu nevedeli namiešať lebo nemali alkohol zvaný Cachah. Barman mi ale ponúkol alternatívu s absintom ktorú mali v ponuke. Ja som súhlasil. Po tom ako doniesol drinky tak priateľke predstavil jej drink. Boli tam limetky, malinové pyré, trošku cukru, a nejaké špeciálna sóda s bylinkami ktorá tomu mala dodať mliečnu chuť. Drinky boli výborné aj keď môj chutil trochu ako hašlerka ale to bolo tým absinthom. Potom sme si objednali Hot Dogy. Po odporučení barmanom som vyskúšal Cash Only Hot Dog a priateľka si dala Gordon Blue Hot Dog. Jedlo bolo super, len miesto chipsov by som k Hot Dogom podával domáce hranolky. Na odchod som si ešte vybral drink s názvom Forrest Gimlet.
Vybral som si ho kvôly tomu, že obsahoval likér z čaju Pu-er a ja tento čaj pijem niekoľko krát denne každý deň. Barman mi povedal, že som si vybral drink z tradičného Slovenského destilátu Borovičky, aj keď tá ich je z Čiech. Barman sa priznal, že nemá rád borovičku ale, že tento koktejl mu chutil. Nato som odpovedal, že ja mám veľmi rád borovičku a rád ho vyskúšam. Koktejl bom super a o dosť viac alkoholický ako ten prvý. Po celý čas sa barman ujisťoval, že máme všetko čo potrebujeme. Bar otváral o 18tej, my sme prišli o 18:30 a o 19tej už bol bar beznádejne plný. Obsluha bola skúsená, mala prehľad o ponuke a bolo vidno, že prácu robia s radosťou a od srdca. Po zaplatení ako inak len v hotovosti, to napovedá už aj názov baru sme išli na hotel.



Transted from Google Translator

The second day after breakfast we chose to take a small walk along the Vltava, Charles Bridge and Orloj. In the clock, we went to Starbucks. My girlfriend loves coffee but I do not drink coffee. But I love mugs and right after you enter the beautiful Starbucks mugs. We did not go and we bought three. We ordered the Caramel Macchiato. Classically, as you can see in the mug movies, they wrote our names. Then we went to sit because I wanted to use their WCs. What surprised me was the WC on the code. Yes, if you wanted to go to WC, you had to enter a 5-digit code from the receipt. The coffee was very good and warm, as it was about -4 degrees out. Winter as in Russia film, only without snow. Then we went to the minigolf.

Prague Golf and Games

This establishment offers untraditional mini golf and other attractions. The entire bar is dark and only UV lamps are lit. All paintings on the walls and the color on the minigolf holes shine in the dark. Paintings on the walls point to important events of Czech history from the arrival of Cyril and Method through the Golem, the Prague Spring to the Revolutionary Revolution. The minigolf has 18 holes. Everyone is devoted to something. For example, Tomáš Baťa, Golem, Hokej, Nežná revoluce or Petrínská rozhledna. As you can see, the mini-golf I missed but unfortunately. You will also find billiards, classic pinball automats (Terminator 3 and C.S. Las Vegas), Air Hockey and Foosball. This room was as cool as I expected, so I definitely recommend visiting.

U Fleku II.

Then followed Flek's lunch. This time, we have given our appetizer a press and beef broth and as the main meal of candles. Why it would be a trip to Bohemia without a candle. The food did not disappoint and was amazing. Heaven in mouth. This time we also gave a beer to the beer and it was famous. We immediately found a mark from the waiter. The waiter told us that he would also sell the bottle to us, but that it was too expensive to look for on the Internet. Of course, I also added tringelt to my account with a paid card. I'm not asking for that, so I think the past waiter only had a bad day.

Cash Only Bar

Then we went for a moment at the hotel and in the evening at the Cash Only Bar. It's such a small business with two bars. The upper bar is about 16 people and the lower one for about 30. At the entrance, the Slovak bartender welcomed us and settled us. He brought us a drink ticket and let us see him. The bar offers about 60 kinds of whiskey and rum from all over the world from America to Japan, cocktails from world fiction, home popcorn, and homemade Hot Dogs. Now they also had a special offer of 8-10 extra cocktails devoted to winter. When the bartender arrived he saw we could not choose and so he asked us what we might want him to advise us. My friend wanted something refreshing and non-alcoholic. The bartender told us that they do not have a soft drink in their offer, but they are very happy to mix them for her. He asked him a few things about whether or not there could be forest fruits, sugar, lemon, and so on, and I came to my advice. I like Caipirinhu and so I said something similar. The original Caipirinhu did not know to mix because they did not have the alcohol called Cachah. But the bartender offered me an alternative with the absinthe they had on offer. I agreed. After he brought his drink, he introduced a drink to his girlfriend. There were limes, raspberry puree, a little sugar, and some special soda with herbs to give it a dairy flavor. The drinks were great even though my taste was a bit as a hašler but it was the absinth. Then we ordered Hot Dogs. I've tried Cash Only Hot Dog after a bartender recommendation and my friend Gordon Blue Hot Dog. The food was great, just the place of chips I would have fried homemade fries with Hot Dog. On leaving, I still chose a drink called Forrest Gimlet. I chose it because it contained Pu-er tea and I drink this tea several times a day every day. The bartender told me that I chose a drink from the traditional Slovak distillate Borovicky, even though he is from Bohemia. The bartender admitted that he did not like pine but that the cocktail tasted him. Then I replied that I love the pine tree and I like to try it out. Cocktail bom super and a lot more alcoholic than the first one. All the time the bartender has assured us that we have everything we need. The bar opened on 18th, we arrived at 18:30 and on the 19th the bar was hopelessly full. The service was experienced, had an overview of the offer, and it was seen that the work was done with joy and heart. When paid as otherwise only in cash, this is what the name of the bar already goes to the hotel.

The End

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