The 3 Steps to Discovering What You Truly Want in Life

in #life8 years ago

How to Discover What You Truly Want in Life

How much better would your life be if you were clear about what you truly wanted out of life? What if you knew what you wanted so that you could pursue it aggressively? Here is an exercise that can put you on the path to knowing what you truly want so that you can go directly for it.

Discovering What You Truly Want

So you are struggling with the things in your life. Some of them are good and others not so good. The question, and the source of your struggle is how do you sort these things out to focus on what you truly want in your life.

The following process or exercise is about taking that all important first step of declaring what you want. To be more accurate, this exercise is about creating what truly you want in your life.

What I Truly Want Exercise

Step 1

This exercise is designed to help you get clear about the things or qualities that you want in your life. You should look at this in a general way, i.e., consider everything you want, not only in terms of a career or job, but everything. The idea is, to determine what you want in life, and then see what you need to do, career-wise or jobwise, t6 have it.

The secret of this exercise is to write as rapidly as you can, so you don't get caught up in a lot of thinking and reasoning.

Start with the List 1. Take about five to ten minutes and write down a list of "The Things That I have in My Life That I Like Having."

Step 2

Next, take about five to ten minutes and write down List 2 -- "Things That I Have In My Life, That I Do Not Like Having."

Once List 2 is completed, take your pen or pencil and vigorously cross-out the items on List 2 -- (things you don't like having). This symbolic gesture signals, that you are ridding your life of these things.

Step 3
Combine List 1 and the the things you like havng from List 2 and crate List 3 == Things That I Truly Want to Have in My Life, and more of them.

Review this list daily for about two weeks, then weekly after that. Do the review just before going to sleep or just after waking up in the morning. Notice, the things you want will start to manifest or become reality. Cross items off the list and add them back on the list, if you want more of the same. You may add new items to the list at any time. Have fun with this process. You will be amazed. at the results!


List 1 -- Things That I Have in My Life That I Like Having

Add additional items if you need to add them

List 2 -- Things That I Have in My Life, That I Do Not Like Having

Add additional items if you need to add them

List 3 -- Things That I Truly Want to Have in My Life

Review Lists 1 and 2, and then combine them into a final List 3 containing what you truly want.

Add additional items if you need to add them, especially if you want more of more of what you “Like Having in Your Life.”

The Secret to Discovering What You Want

There is a rare and ancient secret to the process of determining what you want. This secret has been handed down through generations of Gurus and Spiritual seekers through the centuries. Please divulge this secret on a need-to-know basis only. Only uncover the “Secret” page, with the utmost discretion.

Scroll Down to Discover this Ancient Secret Known to only a few Enlightened Souls.

What you Truly Want

The Secret is

You Make it UP!!!!!


If you can find your true passion, it can be impossible to stop you. It's something you just have to find and keep trying until you clearnly know what it is.

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