People and The Reason to hate Or Love

in #life7 years ago


When I say Sundays are for deep thoughts, I meant it!
Every other day of the week is filled with hurdles that we forget to care so much for ourselves, or let thoughts flow in properly...

First thing first, I went to Church! Lol. I went last week and this week was no exception. My mum was super excited and friends were all over me like; Wow! Guess I've gone too far away from churches over the years. After much cajoling from a friend, today became yet another Sunday in church.


How much have you thought, reasoned and wondered why for no reason, people hate on others?
It's okay to assume that for every hatred, there should be a reason. But then, through my short time on earth, I know so much that anyone or someone, you only began knowing, might decide to hate you. And when you ask "why?" he/ she would probably search endlessly within with no meaningful answer as to why he hates you.

Just like being hated for no reason, someone somewhere might just like you, for absolutely no reason. How amazing!

***Why do you like me? ***
***I don't know! ***

Oh! He or she probably had no reason to like you because humans were created to love and not to hate. So, next time, when you bump into someone who would hate you for reasons best known to him or non, buckle up and understand that humans are humans and some will definitely like you for the same reason Mr B hates you; "No Reason!".

I have seen a particular girl occasionally and suddenly got a soft spot for her. Personally, I never knew her but for unknown reasons, I pictured her as someone really amazing and liked her unconditionally.
I kept on liking her, adoring her steps and imagining how much of a great friend she would be someday until I saw her no more.

Why did I like someone I had never spoken to?
I don't know!

Why do people hate on others when they have never met or spoken to them officially?
Yet another I don't know!

Life holds so much mystery, and rather than try to decipher them, live it, and Stay happy!


Its just in the little things you do... like dressing, smiling, mentality, body language. These things unconsciously register in our head and where we connect or relate with them translates to "I like him" and "I hate him".

😿 ★★good post!!!; 😿

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