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RE: JD's tour: Helsinki city - summer time blog - Part 1

in #life7 years ago

Taking in so many refugees was a really BAD IDEA for Europe. Their culture is diametrically opposed to the western world's. Even the most modern of men among them still feels superior to their wives or any other woman for that matter. It's not racism, IT'S A FACT. I've seen some of them harassing and chasing away European women out of "their" territory just because these women were wearing jeans or a normal dress. How ABSURD IS THAT? How are these atrocities allowed? Why isn't every citizen outraged and out on the streets protesting?? Entire communities have been taken over! I hope you guys ban together and demand that they be repatriated -not to the ruins they came from, of course, but to their neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman. They should have gone THERE in the first place. They not only have everything in common but also the means to help these people.

Citizens of foreign descent whose families have settled in Europe decades ago, should be allowed to stay and not be banned "a la Trump". That's not the idea.

Why can't people learn that when in Rome do as the Romans? It's just common courtesy and a show of gratitude to your host country. As a foreigner living in the States, my first priority was to learn English and secondly, to adjust to their culture and way of life -not the other way around. Ooops... I went on and on. 😏


Yea, its just that MSM(mainstream-media) is trying their best to keep it all secret. But they cannot do it then soon when it all become more popular. Ppl aren't as stupid as they could think.