4 Years Married Tomorrow. Time flies when you're having fun. steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

Myself and Aoife withJohnny smallhead behind

I am a proud member of @steemitbloggers which is a great family where we share our posts on discord and leave a comment and upvote to different posts. To avoid voting for the same Steemians, we are asked to vote on different subject topics each day which is great to meet new people and broaden the mind. Love is one of the categories and I find whenever I select it there are not many new posts. Theres one about a grandpa's old chair from @steemflow which is nice. So I decided I would write one on love. Get the old romantic juices flowing. I am 4 years married tomorrow to an amazing wife called Aoife. The 4 years have flown by but we were together since we were 20.

To any one that is not Irish , they will find Aoife a bit of a mouthful to pronounce. We lived in German for 3 years so you can imagine the Germans trying to compute and pronounce her name in their heads. So it is pronounced "Efa".

Anyway I met Aoife when I was 18 through my sister who worked with her. My sister told me that I should meet this girl who liked the same kind of music that I liked. It was the 90's so it was Oasis, Blur, Pulp, The Verve. We immediately became friends and started going out a couple of years later.
Drunk us!

Since then we have been inseparable. Aoife is a micro biologists and her area of expertises are S.T.I's so she will know before me if I ever get one. But she also does many hobbies on the side such as making jewellery, baking cakes (she made our wedding cake), making quilts and even runs a business on the side making frames, fairy doors and girls bows which is so successful that she is gone back to 3 days a week in her employment. Then she has to look after a toddler and a cat and a rottweiler. That's some going!
She had to give up the cakes because they were taking too long but she still does a couple of relations wedding cakes. She did our wedding cake and it turned out unreal.
If you look closely she even made a teapot cake and all the cupcakes and cake lolli's
The only disadvantage to making the wedding cake is the transportation of it to the venue. Her brother was the nervous transporter! Apologises how the photo came out but it was a massive uphill at time of photo.


Her other cakes were very creative, from her brothers birthday cake that even has an underpants on the ground beside the bed! He sleeps in alot!

To the little baby one and the girl that likes horses



But recently she has gone more into crafting and sewing and her frames are so popular that she has to turn away customers. I've been drafted in to help get some orders out.


Anyway a very talented lady indeed and I love her to bits. She glues everything together, organises everything for holidays, worries about everybody and still has time for everyone. She is great so she is and I am very lucky to have her.
My hobby lately is sneaking a photo when she is giving out to me over something.


Mid give out

Wedding Day

How all I have to do is buy an anniversary present 😭😭😭



This post had me smiling from ear to ear. She is quite a craftswoman! I had a little worried when I saw how her brother delivered that wedding cake. I took a closer look only to realize that it was on his lap.... HAHAHA. From this post, I can see how much she means to you, 'inseparable'. Happy Anniversary!

Thanks @zord189. That journey was not fun with the cake. I was the driver . Even more pressure!Hahaha.

Sweet lovely Aoife ! Hi :)
I have followed you on auto @blanchy as I will be travelling lots in the next coming weeks but want to fully support you bro!
Keep those post flowing!

Ah me aul flower. You were me first follower! Thank you so much

Sweet baby Jesus you are such a smoothie.

😂😂😉. My chief of strategy said I needed to appeal to the female Steemians more .

I gathered and glad I stumbled upon your plans.

oh brother.

wow - she's amazing at cakes - and that wedding cake is SOOOOOOOO beautiful!!!!!

WOW - how did the cake make it up that massive hill??? LOL

It was a steep hill alright . Going back down it was an even bigger problem 😂😂

Happy Anniversary! Your wife looks like a lovely and talented lady! I'm sure I wouldn't be able to pronounce her name either!! :)

In Germany they proNounced it aa ooo feee. Was hilarious in starbuck so she just went with Eva.

And how do you pronounce it in Ireland?

Eeee- fah.

It doesn't sound too difficult :D

Nah if I can say it anyone can!😂

Damn dude! I hope she realizes how lucky she is!!! Lol, great stuff so happy for you. Marriage is one of the last honorable things in this world. So glad you two great people found each other and made a contribution to the Irish by having a baby 😂😂😂 but seriously the world needs more @blanchy glad you guys did it! Wish her the best from us! Skol!

Thanks badger! Hope you got over your flight OK with one of your little ones

Wow))) I wish you happiness! You look so cool together!

Thanks a million.

You guys look so cute together. Its incredible how you have stayed together for long, it has actually been a while since I heard/read about sweet and happy love stories (maybe I didn't check for them. Lol), I should thank you for putting this up, I guess.

She is so creative and beautiful as well! You truly are blessed.

On a side note, wouldn't it have been better if the name is spelt "Efa" instead of "Aoife"? Lol! You guys will spare us the stress of biting our tongues while trying to pronounce the name... Its a

Dam ancestors and their native language making their descendants say names that are not pronounced the same way! 😃

Heheheh! We have a few of such names here as well, just crazy!!

Before I forget, Happy anniversary (its the anniversary already, right?)

Yeah 43 minutes into it! 😀😀. Great so far 😜😜😂😂😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

sir blanchy! this is your finest post yet! could it be because you are hardly in it? But at the same time it is so impressive that I can't tease you about it, that's how impressive it is...well, that and I don't want to make your lovely wife angry.

I've seen alot of cakes but my god man! geez...and she even made her own wedding cake! lol. I've never heard of that.
But her cakes are works of art. she's an artist as much as a baker.

Anyway, this is a wonderful post and I'm thrilled for you guys.
God bless all three of you! and the pets.

Awwww thanks @janton . 😘😘😘😘😘. I’m just happy you remembered who I am. You must of had some salad! 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

haha! yes sir blanchy! I did have a big bowl or rabbit food last night with some roasted turkey on top of it and I don't think I'll be skipping salads from now on. You need to do the same by the time you hit 40 or so, it seems like that's when physical and mental issues start to appear.

Well with you the mental issues may have already started from what I hear so you may have to double down on the salads. just sayin. because we want you to be here in full capacity so we can kick you around everyday. nothing personal. we just need good quality entertainment.

Otherwise this place can get pretty boring with all the boot licking going on. But yes that post was so impressive that now whenever I see your name I'm going to think of cake!

😂😂😂 ah @janton you are a howl! definitely kicked in before 40. Im on this platform aren't I trying to earn fake money! I asked the wife to pick me up some lettuce. I told her some old Texan guy told me it would make us 11 years younger. She raised her eyes and walked out!

ahha! I'm sure they have marvelous selection of salad material there so I bet she will find some good stuff. just don't forget to eat it! lol.

so you are off work on the weekends so you can spend more time earning fake money?

I’m still on holidays. Back to the grind Monday so il be only here during certain times

what the?? holiday from what? we all know that you sit around in the bosse's office smoking cigars and drinking brandy. geez.. poor baby.
going back to work will be like going on vacation.
but maybe you can make a post about it and fake us all out..well not me but the rest of the boot lickers on here.

😂😂😂. That’s the plan but there’s only so much you can write about coffee.

That is a fantastic story about how you guys got together. Friends is best first. She is very talented so she should concentrate more on the cakes and stuff and you can do Steem. Win win situation. Not just yet but further down the line when you become too expensive for your current employer.

Happy 4th anniversary. It is a wonderful life.
And very decent.
Congrats man!

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