Not A Problem At All!

in #life7 years ago


I don’t know how your mind works, but mine it's a thrilling rollercoaster.

I’m this kind of person who come up with problems for myself and solutions in the next day. I’ve been thinking in so many why lately, but always giving myself a day to find the answers.

One of the main worries I have is about my healthy. I got to the point where I don’t know what to do, where I can’t help myself no more. Crying a whole day thinking about, went to bed and say “tomorrow you’ll have a better answer for that”. Next morning I got a solution. I need a nutritionist!

Luckily it took me minutes to sort this out, and now I’ll be watched by a professional. In just few talks, I feel so comfortable about what comes next.

This makes me realize sometimes I make the problems bigger than what they really are. It’s ok to feel sensitive about things, but just trust you can find a way to every problem and you will. Once again, believing yourself is the key.


proud of you for continuing to push through, even though the process has brought you pain so far, it's scary, but a hugely brave thing to keep seeking answers even after you've felt discouraged- go Bianca!!!

Bringing in outside unbiased help is going to help you feel way better, I'm so stoked for you <3

Thank you so much, dear! I am bit of a stubborn, ya know! I'm sure a professional will guide me better now, sometimes you just need to let people help you. Cheers!

It's true, accepting help is NOT the same as accepting defeat! It's just giving yourself a break from shouldering all of the stress and emotion that comes with this stuff that's all!

Everyone's body is different and they don't come with owners manuals, so it's up to us to figure out what's going on, once you find out what works for you you'll be set!

Better days are ahead my dear <3

Por vezes acabamos sofrendo tanto, que não conseguimos enxergar a solução...
Embora seja difícil, devemos (ao menos tentar) manter o controle, esfriar a cabeça e confiar.

É exatamente o que disse, acreditar em nós mesmos :)

obrigada pela reflexão

O que me ajuda é dizer a mim mesma que eu vou conseguir resolver aquele problema, dar uma volta se possível e parece que as coisas já começam a voltar pro lugar.

Your problems are never bigger than you can bear and there is always a solution. Youu can do whatever you want!!!

That's right, we fear what it's out of control, but we forget we are have the control even when we think we don't! <3

Oh my dear, you may indeed believe in yourself because you are a precious person and you are able to take the right decisions. To consult a professional is a sensible decision and shows you really really want to do grab the cow by the horns (de koe bij de horens vatten is een Nederands gezegde en betekent dat je echt iets gaat doen om een probleem aan te pakken). Good luck girl!! I admire you for it.

Bedankt voor het lees! I didn't know I could say that in Dutch too, cool!
Thank you so much, I think looking for professional help is a very wise decision. Thank you!

That trust and will is the basis of life, and the problems are a routine that we have to overcome and try to avoid because we live only one life.
We have to enjoy our lives more and make them happier, and we have to know that after the problem there is always a solution.
I think from every point of his mind that you have a strong personality and are confident that you will overcome all that soon.
Thank you dear @bkdbkd

problems are a routine that we have to overcome

yes, just like anything else!

Thank you so much for your words!

depois conte sobre a receita da nutricionista. Nunca fui numa!

Sim! Em uma semana mais ou menos vamos conversar sobre minha alimentação e vou dividindo aqui a experiência, minha primeira com nutricionista.

I am so proud of you, being able to find the solutions you need. Sometimes we all need a little outside help because we only see our problems from one side, ours!

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