Life As A EntrepreneursteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

When you hear the word Entrepreneur names like bill gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and heck even Donald Trump our current president.

It might seem like all Entrepreneurs make it big, live their dreams and have so much money they don’t know what to do with it. But in reality it’s a big struggle for many and little known facts about every Entrepreneur might make you reconsider.

Here are 4 of the common factors for every Entrepreneur so you can see if you have what it takes to become an Entrepreneur yourself.


Working Every Waking Hour and Then Some

The first thing you are going to realize when you first become a Entrepreneur is the amount of time you log into your business. This is why it is so critical for you to do what you love because you're going to be doing it every moment you are awake.

Now that does not mean you can’t take breaks go on vacation etc. But what id does mean is every moment you're not relaxing your going to be working towards your business goal. This means no more 40 hour weeks you're talking more on the lines of 80 hours a week in most cases.


Managing Others

At some point your business is going to start growing and growing to the point where you just run out of hours in a day to keep up with it. This is when you will need to hire on others but will need to do so with great caution. You need someone who will show up, reliable and cares about your business as much as you do.

What becomes hard about this process is you are the one doing the searching, interviewing, hiring and managing of this person or first few people.

This is where you hear others talk about wearing many shoes in their company. Your new hires should be able to do this as well and take on new roles.


Risk Takers

It should come as no surprise but you need to be a risk taker. You need to invest money, time and energy into your company and take risks to continue to push your company to the next level. You need to continue to do this an innovate your company in order to survive as others will be doing the same thing in your industry thus you will need to constantly try and stay ahead.


Breaking The Mold / Changing Your Mindset

Many Entrepreneurs do alright by piggybacking off of larger companies however if you really want to stand out and be a leader in your industry then you need to break the mold.

When growing up your were taught in school to do this and that and do one job to make money and then live your life. However as an Entrepreneur you seriously have to kick that out of your head and start thinking differently. One of the key factors seems to be problem solving skills. If you have these skills already then you are already way ahead of many. You can think on your toes and come up with solutions that others have not thought about yet.

Being able to break yourself of the mold and changing your mindset to be more open and fluid I feel are keys that make a successful Entrepreneur. Remember you can learn a ton but until you put it into action it means nothing so get out there and DO!


Very good informative post @bitcoinflood. Thanks for sharing this.

Key to being your own Boss
#1 dvlop product, service and support
#2 Sell said product, service and support
#3 Deliver said product, service and support
#4 collect payment on said product, service and support
#5 Repeat!
This is why people will work for pennies. As always, no risk, no reward
That might be fine for some, but not for me.
Good Luck in The Great Game :)

Good post.

It might seem like all Entrepreneurs make it big, live their dreams and have so much money they don’t know what to do with it

Very true actually because most of their time is spent in planning how to invest their money for the best ROI.

I would add working smart not hard also, as that is what makes these people so successful. It can be included with the second point.

Breaking The Mold / Changing Your Mindset

This one must come first because without the proper mindset nothing can be accomplished, no matter how small it is.

Very good points I know for myself I spend some time finding tools etc that help cut down on what I am manually doing. A simple program could save you 30 minutes a day added up over the year saves you a bunch of time.

Yeah you have a good point and i agree on the issue of spending more time on your business than you might even spend working in the corporate world.

But as entrepreneurs what differentiate us is that we are not spending time to work for others but we are investing time to produce result for ourselves.

That's what makes entrepreneurship interesting.

Thanks for sharing

Totally and that is what makes it worth it for me and for others who do this. We love what we do so it no longer feels like a job its just a part of your life but it honestly does not interfere with how you live your life. If anything it is for the better :)

Awesome post.

Being an entrepreneur never involves doing less work than an office job.

Too many wantrepreneurs are diving face-first into this space - anticipating so-called 'passive income' without aiming to deliver any value to anyone ever lol. Sorry, that's never gonna work pal. :)

I see it all the time, if people saw the amount of hard work that went into those who are successful it would scare 95% of them off lol

Yep, there's a Chinese proverb that goes roughly as follows:

Man must sit for very long, with mouth open very wide, before roast duck fly in.

I think that's a fitting description for what they're doing haha

very good
thank you for your post

As an entrepreneur, these concepts are pretty common sense to me. But when I explain them to people that don't have an entrepreneurial mentality, they always ask me why would I want to do that. They don't see that the time I spend on my business, the risks that I take, and the changes in my mindset are all for the benefit of my future and my loved ones. Entrepreneurs just are a different breed. haha XP


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