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RE: The eternal heartache of a distant dad

in #life6 years ago

Take any time with her that you get, I'm sure she appreciates it.

I grew up without my Dad around, at one stage I didn't see him for five years straight - tough on a kid who's just starting school.

Eventually things changed and I got to see him first annually and then more frequently after I left school and got a job.

Unfortunately outside influences have once again enstranged us to the point of almost no communication, even by phone. But I tell you this:

I've never begrudged my Dad the past that was dealt us, I don't blame him for our current situation either, I'm genuinely glad for any contact I get with him. He might not be a good father, but he's my Dad and I'll always love him.

If your daughter is anything like me then she'll appreciate your visit very much (even if she does not say or show it). Make the most of your visit, time spent with loved ones is precious, there isn't a much better way to spend out limited time on Earth. Good luck.


Thank you @bitbrain, a lovely comment for a distant dad to read.

I'm sorry the situation wasn't ideal for you, but respect you a lot for holding no grudge, and allowing the the contact you do have to be good when it takes place.

I'm looking very much to seeing her, and am hoping (and quietly confident) that I will get a hug and a kiss this weekend :)

Thank you!

Holding thumbs for you man, just be yourself.

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