How to Stay Away From Negative People

in #life6 years ago

Have you ever had a co-worker who complains about each and everything? You know that feeling of being trapped with the negative people who appear out of nowhere and suck your life out? Negative people of your life is like this garbage truck moving simultaneously with your car. If you do not act to cut the connection soon enough, you’re going to be stuck with the stinky smell everywhere you go.

We all strive and work for happiness. None of us in our sane mind want to be around negative people. It is true that no one is going to be completely upbeat and positive all the time, there are the ups and downs moment with everyone. It is near to impossible to get completely rid of the negative people. Researches reveal that regardless of the degree of your positivity, negative people can affect your life and health, if you do not take corrective procedures in time.

“Life is simply too short to be friends with toxic individuals.”

But sometimes, realizing the negativity of people around us is also not that easy. Here are a few traits of a negative people that you may want to keep distance with.

a) The one who sees darkness in everything:

Even in the most ebullient things in the world like a perfect relationship, the person backs out claiming that the relationship is too good to be true and thus might never last. The major issue with these people is the perspective of vision towards any events. They stress over the tiniest matter that has almost negative possibility of becoming true. Thus, you should probably distant yourself from these pessimists.

b) The past dweller:

Some people are so lost in their past that they don’t act to see what future holds for them. Bad things happen, but then one should not allow those bad things to determine their future. A positive person synthetizes, learns from the past and leave it behind him/her. But a negative person dwells on his past, completely reluctant to move ahead to see what surprises future holds for him/her.

c) Judgmental freaks:

Even though, passing mean comments on people seem harmless at the surface, it does more harm to the person doing it than to the target. Negative people are extremely critical of others. They are either insecure or jealous or simply unimpressed of the success of others. If you’re around such a judgmental freak, chances are that he/she is an extremely negative person.

d) Focused too much on the problem, not on the solution:

"If you are problem, and not solution-focused, you are likely a negative person," says Martinez. "The negative person is good at pointing out all the problems and failings to a plan, but never brings solutions to them to the table."

e) The one with no excitement for future:

Yeah! Life is uncertain. But you know that if you’re planting oranges in the orchard, you do not expect apples. Thus, if you implant positivity, you’re going to have high hopes for your future but if a person has no hope or excitement for the future, you can understand what he/she is cultivating.

After you realize the negative people you have been around, now is the perfect time when you can actually act upon to minimize their effect in your life. If you do not learn to handle the situation at this peak, you’re letting them spread around their negative aroma in your life as well.

To keep the formula simple, you can do either of the following three stuffs:

Avoid, Ignore or Overcome

Avoid: Seems like the solution for cowards, right? But for this purpose, avoidance is the most harmless and easiest approach of staying away from negative people. Walk away, avoid any circumstances of meeting them in daily chores or by accident. You don’t want to be a tomato in the same basket where there are other rotten tomatoes. For this, you can set and enforce limits to your choice of pals that you want to surround yourself.

Ignore: Smile but detach. “There are going to be a lot of dogs barking at your way. But if you stop to throw stones at each dog, you will never reach your destination.” This old saying perfectly sums up how you should not let any negativity affect our mentality and way of thinking even though your environment is full of such people. You should not let a negative person have a lot of power in your life. Just don’t let someone’s negativity affect your mindset.

Overcome: Sometimes, even if this is hard to admit, that negative person might be you. In that case, seek out to positive persons. Indulge yourself in productive works. And if you are in a critical scenario, you might even want to see a doctor. Or else if you see negative person, you can counsel him/her to the above activities. Life is a rollercoaster ride, you are going to need to adjust and enjoy with the flow else you’ll just be left traumatized at the end.

Dealing with all the negatives is never easy. Letting go of negative people does not mean you are giving out hate, it just means you’re giving yourself love you deserve. Since negativity is a contagious phenomenon, don’t let your spirit be contaminated with the negativity. Free your soul and do not let a jerk spoil your self-esteem and confidence.

Have a good day! Hope you move a step closer to the people who bring the best in you!

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