What is Cancer

in #life6 years ago

Cancer isn't a single disease. The term cancer encompasses more than 200 diseases all characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Ignoring the body's signal to stop, malignant cells multiply to form tumors in organs and tissues or, in the case of blood cancers, crowd out normal cells in the blood stream and bone marrow.

In a healthy body, cells grow and divide in a controlled, orderly fashion to replace those that have grown old or have been damaged and die by design in a process called apoptosis. Cancer occurs when these natural processes go awry.

When the genetic material of a cell – the DNA – is damaged, mutations can arise, potentially disrupting normal growth and division. An accumulation of mutations can turn normal cells into precancerous cells, which sometimes multiply and evolve into cancer cells. Cancer is a result of the accumulation of these cells.

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Cancer is not an event, but a process that takes time, often years, to develop. The length of time varies widely and depends on the identity, order, and speed at which mutations accumulate.

The stage of cancer describes the progression of the disease in the body from precancer to cancer that has spread to distant organs or tissue – metastatic cancer.


Cancers are classified based on the organ or type of cell in which they originate:

Carcinomas are cancers that occur on the skin or tissues that line internal organs.

Sarcomas are cancers that occur in the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue.

Leukemias are cancers that occur in the cells of the blood and bone marrow.

Lymphomas are cancers that occur in the cells of the immune system and typically appear within the lymphatic system.

Central nervous system cancers are cancers that occur in the cells of the brain and spinal cord.



Guys, thank you a lot for this article but I would like to get more information about pancreatic cancer, can you please help me with this one right here?

Hey, well, so in case you have any problems with it and you would like to learn more about various symptoms of pancreatic cancer then I strongly recommend you to have a glance at that resource as there you can also read some stuff about different hospitals and reliable doctors as well. Hope that I helped you.

I honestly feel very sorry for you and your mother. I'm sure she was a good person. Cancer is a very common problem these days. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as: Smoking, obesity, and so on. My dad also had rad four and a half years ago, but luckily we cured the problem by finding information on fenbenlab. At first we thought we would need chemotherapy, but since the stage of the cancer wasn't that big, my dad didn't need chemo. Everything was cured through various medications and other treatments and now he is completely healthy.

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