Worst part of Jobs.

in #life6 years ago

I feel everyone would say that dealing with people is and will always be the worst part of a job, but what is the worst task of the job. Mine is paper work, no one likes paper work, and in this ever more tech heavy society paper work seems to be the worst. Tech was suppose to make our jobs easier, and now they demand more documentation and it just created more work. savetrees4.jpg Look at all the sad trees, and yes, I print more reports now, then I ever did before, and they are longer. Who would have thought that. Look at all the sad trees.


could always print in pdf

Ya, but I have to leave a copy for the homeowner, I am not going to leave them a scan disk.

Surprise to hear that i thought only we indians need loads of paper work....for documentation...so sas even in digital age...trees are getting punished

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yes, they look sad

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