Baby Class

in #life7 years ago

So my first kid should be arriving sometime in march, and we are super excited. Not being a parent yet, we thought we should just take a quick baby class. So we signed up and today was the day, but wife could not make it being sick, so I went solo. The first part was so boring, all common sense stuff, like don't shake the baby, don't drop the baby, don't let the baby drive, and so on. Then it got weird, they started showing us all these things on babies that were normal, like peeling skin, that would eventually go away. Then bammmm breast feeding, and it was a bunch a women just breast feeding and talking on the video. I don't exactly know why they showed it, really did not add much value. It was the longest part of the class. Then the teacher said at first you need a quite place with privacy to breastfeed, but on my third kid I would and could do it anywhere.... I laughed and remembered a lady yelling at people in restaurant for supposedly looking at her breast feeding once, and it also brought memories of a business partner who breast feed their kid till he was 4..... I am cutting mine off way before that..... Parenthood will definitely take some getting use to for sure. Here is too all the poops and awkward moments to be had..


Congratulation for your baby in advance..
Hope we will see him/her in the cute photos....

I hope I have a cute baby, otherwise I don't lie well

obviously, it will be a cute baby...... every child from the Almighty will be beautiful and cute.

You go to all the classes possible, read all the books available, listen to all the advice offered. And then realise, your kid's an individual, unique, and whilst some of the advice works, none of it seems to matter to your child, someone forgot to include a manual in the womb. Then comes the realisation that that is how you want it to be, you don't want a little robot whose button can be switched to off. You little nightmare is YOUR little nightmare, and they are beautiful and so full of potential you just have to love them. You can't return them for a refund, after all.

It was amazing, they basically have changed 180 degrees from everything they use to recommend, and in 10 years they will change it all again. They really just guess at things I feel. But totally agree.

All you can do is be a good role model, be there for them when they need you for advice, guidance discipline or just a friend, and know when to be each. I am sure you will find it is mostly instinctive, very intuitive, parenting is.

And do not fall for the trap a hell of a lot of parents do and try to use panadol or nurafen to drug your child to sleep, they are a delicate being and require the same consideration any other person on this planet does.

Awww. Congratulations. In Nigeria, the only place to learn is at the hospital during the pre-natal.

But it is definite that after birth, mum from both sides of the family have a compulsory 3 month stay, each, to help the young parents out.

I am looking forward to having children, they are truly a blessing.
♥ ♥ ♥

Ya I am looking forward to it now, but I hear your opinion changes in 15 years....

15 years? Please explain.
Do you mean the information they pass in the Pre natal classes?

HA! I'm a new parent and this hits home - laughing at my own ignorance of the amount of poop I was going to be dealing with!
Good luck and congratulations :)


That is funny, go enjoy your poop. And thanks, and congrats to you.

Very cute Baby nice post bigram13

Cute baby😁😁😁

he nice post


oh you so adorable for going through the class. Hope your wife get well soon.

Congratulations :)) I hope your baby has a healthy and happy life..Thank you for sharing this happy news with us@bigram13

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