First Day at Kindergarten

in #life6 years ago

My little girl is growing up.
She started kindergarten today at 1 years old. I am very excited and also little nervous for her. She is going into the real world now, social stuff and disappointment and also joy. She is leaving the protective cocoon of her parents to explore a little.

Small baby steps indeed. But big ones. I am also hopeful for her future since I am investing more into Steem and crypto, and I am glad that a immensely much needed bull run might be around the corner. What are your thoughts on that is this latest mini rally a sign or not ?

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Another in a long line of lessons and experiences that will shape the person she will become.

At that age, I made the mistake of trying to teach her to question the things she was told and it resulted in her contradicting every thing we said. We learn lessons too.

I think the latest small run will correct itself down in the next short while. If it is a reasonable correction, I expect the next up cycle to be bigger. Either way, stacking steem while it is cheap is a great idea. Don’t worry about stay the price is in a month.

We can look back at the end of the year and see the progress our portfolios and little girls have made.

Posted using Partiko iOS

So true and I will head your fatherly advice.

Yah my dad is showing there.

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