
I bet you won't.
In venezuela the government even created a charade of a ministry of urban agriculture. It lasted for about 3 months. the idea might have been a great one, had it been conceived to really raise awareness of the need to produce more healthy food, but as anything that is done with political purposes, it was doomed to fail.

Most venezuelan high schools, for instance lack parking lots or sports facilities. All those lots were left abandoned. They could be used, in any case for agricultural purposes, if they seriously conceived the idea of urban agriculture as a need and possibility.

In the mean time, most of our fertile lands are under-used and most of our labor is gone to other countries. We now import products that we exported 20 years ago (coffee, sugar, beans...)

That’s why my underlying philosophy is keep corrupt political snakes out of the water.

All for money and control. Never to actually help us the common man.

Yep. Better safe than sorry

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