Does God Plans For Us?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When we want to go out on a vacation with our family, we plan our trip. We try and make a sketch to see we are not missing anything behind that can distract us from enjoying our vacation.


Same way God has planned our life. And to live our life we should always keep God's plan ahead and follow the instruction. Verses from the Bible Luke 5:4 shows us clearly that when Jesus asked Peter -
“Pull out to where it is deep, and let down your nets for a catch." And without any arguement to what Jesus asked Peter obeyed Christ direction.


We should have that faith in our life that when God is directing our life, we can never fail. Just as Peter followed the direction given to him without a second doubt, we should allow God plan our life and obey God. When God is involve in our life, he takes all the risk upon him and saves us because God knows we keep our faith on him. When we cooperate with God's plan we will always succeed.

Thank you for reading.


I think God expects usto use our Reason and common sense as well?

Great blog. Keep steeming. We share common views. Am following u now.


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