Why I May Not Get Better And Why That's OK

in #life6 years ago

Hey guys!

So I am unfortunately sad to report that I am going through yet another MS relapse. That is two in less than six weeks, and three in less than six months. Considering most patients only experience a few relapses in their lifetime, I think it's safe to say that things are rapidly progressing, and not in a good way.

I made this video because I didn't want to. I have been sad today, and the last thing I wanted to do was talk about it. But, then I remembered that there are people out there like me, and you may not have a disease, or anything like that, but you may have some sort of obstacle in your life that people don't understand.

It's easy for people to judge you, and just assume that if you are doing everything they're doing or doing everything "the right way" that the outcome should be the same for you as everyone else. The reality is though, that that couldn't be more false. Just because you follow "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" mentality, doesn't mean you'll be rich, it could mean you're poor. You could follow every facet of advice imaginable and it may not make a lick of difference.

I have been, to the best of my ability, doing what I knew in my heart was right with my MS. I naturally managed it for years without problems, and then everything started to fall apart at the seams, and now I am doing exactly what my doctors are telling me to do, and I am getting worse.

I don't attribute this decline to anything specific, I think it's just the natural course that my disease is taking, but I am fatigued by people telling me if I just do "x" I will be better. People would tell my mother that too when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

FYI apple cider vinegar does not cure cancer. If you want to peddle that bullshit, give yourself cancer first, and then see if it works.

But I hear everything from "You just need to exercise more" to "Isn't there a special diet for MS?"

No. Exercise and diet don't do shit. I do both and funnily enough, my body is still attacking itself and is daily stripping my myelin sheath off of all of my nerves!

It's the worst when it comes to my family though. I felt pressured to go on the shots, mainly because of them. I was tired of hearing that I wasn't doing everything I could, and therefore couldn't complain about the outcome. Well, that didn't do any good in the end, as now that I am still relapsing regardless of my medication, now the dialogue has changed from "you aren't doing enough" to "you waited too long".

I can't win and I have never been more frustrated.

Anyway, I shared this with you guys in case anyone can relate.

I hope you guys are having a magnificent Monday!

Catch ya later!

  • Beth

▶️ DTube

I think you need a vacation!!! lol I might be able to beat MS or whatever you have if I were you but I think I might die of stress tomorrow if I were you. lol Have you tried basic stuff like water or juice fasts?
Maybe you should go back to the system that was working better for you?

Sadly sheer determination doesn't defeat a disease. I have learned this the hard way.

I'm sorry girl, I really hate when bad shit happens to good people when there are some prize assholes out in the world who deserve all the shit hell could throw at them and yet they get a free pass. Screw people who throw about unsolicited advise with zero real answers or understanding.

I say little as nothing I say is going to change much, but I will say you don't deserve this and I can only pray for you for whatever that might mean to you.

What have you tried and have you tried hemp oil treatment? I'm only spitballing here as a guy I know swears the stuff works for everything?

I'm having a moanday... After reading this, yet to watch the video.
My prayers are with you.
Cancer will not defeat you in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Aw Udezee you are sweet. I don't have cancer though, my mom does. I have MS. I was just using her as an example of how people give unsolicited advice.

It's well... It won't defeat mama

I feel bad for your current frustration. It is so frustrating when people who have never experienced what you are going through don't understand. I hope you find a path to wellness that works. Best wishes and good luck!

I'm sorry to hear about your most recent relapse. I get what you are saying. Live your dream. 😎

Yeah, sometimes that is definitely easier said than done!

I have a God that heals all disease, he never fails in answering us. You should try him since man made prescription hadn't been able to fix the problem. I will personally pray on your behalf.

Hi my friend .. I'm sad to read this article ... Hope you are fine beth ... I wish you well with your beloved family ..

I read your article , this is the sad moment . I feel bad for your frustration . I wish you come back quicly in your work . Best wishes for you my friend and good luck .

Upvote you

I am waiting your next new update news ..

And thanks for sharing @bethwheatcraft

Aww I’m so sorry to hear about this. I have two friends who have MS back at home, and It’s tough. One of the ladies also said she experienced eye problems too. Having a hard time control her eyes. luckily it went away.

Stay strong! Thinking of you and thank you for sharing your story. Sending you positive vibes! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Happy Birthday to your daughter Lucy!!! @bethwheatcraft all medications and healing techniques have different effects for different people. Also what used to work can all of a sudden stop working and vice versa. Hopefully the medications (shots that take 6 months to kick in) start to work for you. Keep trying Beth. If it was was me, I would keep trying for my kids and the future. I would like to hear more about the pilot. That sounds awesome! I wish I had a fraction of the talent that you have. You are truly gifted.

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