Dtube Chat: Imagine Dragons Are The Next Nickelback

in #life6 years ago

Hi guys!

So I have decided to start talking about things that are not crypto related! GASP I know, I know.

Fret not friends, that doesn't mean I am not continuing my Lady Steem series, or that I don't talk about crypto ALL the time to like everyone. It also doesn't mean that I am not continuing to wear my Dtube shirt and peddle that shit like an MLM, but it does mean that we need new strategies, and I plan to implement one.

I want my content to pass the "Facebook test". To me, this means, is my content interesting enough for someone on Facebook to enjoy it, like it, understand it. Now, you could insert any platform into Facebook there, but since that is where I have built up a large following, it only makes sense for me to continue to use it to share my Dtube stuff!

If my content doesn't pass the Facebook test, sometimes that's ok. I feel there needs to be a balance of catering to our crypto-specific audience here on Steemit and Dtube, while also incorporating interesting content that anyone can enjoy, but for the most part I am going to focus on content that can be consumed across platforms. That's how we will get the word out about Dtube guys! We need to show others that any kind of content can be posted and liked on this platform, not just videos talking about the blockchain and such!

So, I am starting this off with a very serious topic, and that's my disdain for the American band Imagine Dragons. I like a couple of their tunes, but I seriously feel like they are headed the way of Nickelback. Their first released song "Radioactive" was the bees knees. But since then, their tunes have been, mediocre at best. I can hear the "scrape, scrape, scrape" of the bottom of the barrel, hahaha.

So that's what I go on to talk about in this video.

What do you think? Is Imagine Dragons a good band? Do you think I am awful? Do you like Nickelback? I NEED TO KNOW. Bahahaha

Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday!


▶️ DTube

The wife of the singer of Imagine Dragons is the lead singer of a band called Nico Vega which imo is 100x better than Imagine Dragons.

Example #1


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