Happy Valentine's Day and A Life Update!

in #life6 years ago

Hey guys!
Happy Hearts Day! I hope you all have had a wonderful day, and have discovered love wherever you may have it in your life, even bereft of a romantic partner!

I have been absent again for awhile as I am again dealing with a super sucky MS relapse.

It started with eye pain and blurriness, and after a short virus, completely devolved into a full blown relapse with me losing feeling and use of my left side. I couldn't walk and it was scary as hell!

(My beautiful hospital selfie, like OMG.)

I spent a few days after being admitted on high dose steroids in order to jump start my immune system and get myself walking again. It seemed to work pretty well, and while things have been on a slow rise upward, I am feeling a bit better.

Steroids are NO JOKE YA'LL. If you have ever gotten a prescription for Prednisone or a steroid for a sinus infection etc, what I get in an IV is 200 times that average dose!!! So like, I feel like I could get in a fight with Arnold and win, but also feel like I got hit by a bus. It's a weird combo man!!

Luckily I got to come home today and see my beautiful family! The downside was that I had to bring my meds home with me, and pull out my own IV after I was done. GAH, I hate that part! However, damn if we aren't living in the future though because now instead of getting an IV bag that has to hang from an IV pole, I got sent this CRAZY doo-dad which is like medicine straight from the future!!

(This ball thing has my steroid in in and no matter which way you turn it, since it is pressurized, it will flow into my vein!!! I can even carry it in my pocket, that is if they made women's pants with pockets, what a world we live in!!)

Also, I am REALLY sad because the steroids make you retain water weight and I was doing so well with my weight loss goals for this year. I had lost 15 pounds so far, on my journey to drop 50, and I have regained them all back with just a week of being on hospital fluids and steroids. Hopefully I can really start work on pounding away at them when I start feeling better!

So I also got to keep up my tradition of taking a pic of all my little darlings together. They love each other so much, and I am just so lucky to be experiencing all the LOVES today!

I hope you are all too.

And if you aren't, know that if you are reading this, you are loved...by ME!

Also I apologize if this is kind of a crazy post, as I am pretty damn hopped up on some crazy meds!

Catch ya later friends!!

xx - Beth


Nawwwwwwwwwww we love you too Lady Steem!

That crazy medicine ball is super cool... I can't imagine how scary all of this has been for you, but I'm glad you're on the up and up and I'm glad your kids are super cute and looking out for each other.

Hope you can kick Arnie with just your left side soon! Love of love!

My left side improved for a few days, but for the first time ever, the symptoms have come back only a week later! It's pretty scary! Hopefully it will all pass soon!

Oh yikes! That is super not cool! A week is hardly long enough to recover. I'm so sorry it's all being totally hardcore. Super hoping you feel better really soon!

Sorry to hear about what you are having to go through. Stay strong and power on and we are thinking of you.

You are awesome! Thanks for the kind response! <3

Love that hospital selfie Beth, keep fighting the good fight! You rock :-) 🎤🎧🎼

Hospital selfies are the new thing don't ya know? I could be an Instagram star! Ha! :)

I hope your health continues to improve. MS is no joke. Keep fighting

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Dude, this shit sucks. What sucks even more is I just can't slow down, and it only causes me more and more problems. Like, the second I get out of the hospital, I just want to be up doing shit. I was running the next day....and now I am paying for it. I wasn't cut out for a debilitating disease. Let me tell ya.

I feel you. I would be the same way. Hang in there!

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